cloud based reservation software

11 posts
booking sites

Have You Chosen the Right Hotel Reservation System to Manage Your Property?

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Hotel reservation systems make it easy for hoteliers to manage daily operations for a hotel with great ease. In the recent times, small, midsize and large hotel owners are slowly…
cloud based reservation software

Online Reputation Management Makes or Breaks a HotelBusiness!

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Words spread like fire. If positive reviews are like an icing on a cake, negative reviews can be a ravaging fire. Now the question remains- how to douse a fire…
channel manager

Your Secret Is Safe In the Cloud

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
It is unbelievable as to the number of advantages Cloud systems has over Legacy systems. Chiefly, the security and confidential of your hospitality management data is lips-sealed with cloud PMS.…
cloud based hotel management software

Save Time and Make Money with Cloud-based PMS

In any industry no one can afford to waste time, after all time is money. Hoteliers and their employees are responsible for numerous tasks each passing day and they cannot…
channel manager

Top 5 Reasons Why PMS and Channel Manager Should Inter-Operate

Some things just need more than one helping hand. The chaos and importance of what goes on at the front desk of a hotel definitely needs some assistance if the…
cloud based hotel management software

More and More Hotels Adopting Cloud Based PMS – the Paradigm begins to Shift

Although cloud technology has certainly made its mark, it has not yet been able to make the impact that it is working up to. Because some hoteliers are still uncertain…
channel manager

Hotelogix and Siteminder – A Winning Combination!

When two products really complement each other, doesn’t it just make sense to use them together? It is better to maximize the investment of one technology by finding products…
channel manager

Smooth Sailing with Integrated Channel Management and PMS

Keeping your assembly line running smoothly isn’t easy. With numerous sections vying for the attention of a hotel manager, it is easy to understand how a few mistakes could…
channel manager

Webinar Video : Importance of a Unified Distribution Approach for an Hotelier

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Irrespective of where their location is, hoteliers’ worldwide look for a distinctive competitive edge for their hotel’s marketing strategy. They look for ways in which they can maximize their…
cloud based hotel management system

Digitization of Guest Information Book

Click, click, click. Tap, tap, tap. Such familiar sounds these days. We add friends on Facebook, tweet our thoughts, Instagram what we had for dinner, and Pin all our dreams…