Cloud-based hotel PMS systems

37 posts
advantages of pms

Why NOW is the right time for chain hotels to adopt cloud-based Hotel PMS

Hotels across the globe are still reeling under the lingering effects of multiple lockdowns and travel restrictions. They have to deal with dwindling revenues due to loss of business and…
advantages of pms

How Important Is a PMS in Helping with Day-to-Day Hotel Operations?

Hospitality management software has advanced a lot in recent years, including the types available to you. In the past, you might have been able to get by with just a…
Cloud-based hotel PMS systems

Things To Consider Before Investing In A Hotel PMS Post-COVID

The hotel industry has never faced anything quite like the coronavirus pandemic. Today, people simply aren’t travelling as much as they did a year ago. Without knowing how long…
cloud based PMS

Turn your website lookers into bookers

Imagine 50 guests walk in to your hotel but only 10 end up making booking and the rest walk out. Doesn’t it seem like a disaster situation? Bet you’…
Cloud-based hotel PMS systems

The Perfect Customer Relationship Manager for Your Hotel Business!

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
A good or bad service can go a long way to decide whether your business has the strength of retaining customers. Many of us tend to attend or visit a…

How Digital Advertising & Marketing Can Transform Your Hotel Business and Earnings

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Any business needs to be visible to attract the attention of customers. This attention can be provided with a clever marketing strategy and several digital advertisements as well. In the…
channel manager

How Optimizing Distribution Channels Reaps Benefits for Your Hotel Business

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Technology and hospitality industry were known as two distinct entities in the past with none in common, not anymore. Technology is now standing up and being counted as the tool…
channel manager

Your Secret Is Safe In the Cloud

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
It is unbelievable as to the number of advantages Cloud systems has over Legacy systems. Chiefly, the security and confidential of your hospitality management data is lips-sealed with cloud PMS.…
channel manager

The Secret’s in the PMS Software

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Each hotel property is unique and requires different strengths in its property management system (PMS). But one thing most hotel owners can agree on is the ease and performance of…
cloud based hotel management software

Save Time and Make Money with Cloud-based PMS

In any industry no one can afford to waste time, after all time is money. Hoteliers and their employees are responsible for numerous tasks each passing day and they cannot…