hotel management system

100 posts
Hotel Cloud PMS

80 Systems and counting – Hotelogix is marking the end for legacy hotel software!

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Replacing a legacy system is no small feat. Hoteliers invest thousands of dollars into setting up the infrastructure and hiring the required personnel. And considering that it takes several days…
Hotel Cloud PMS

7 Powerful upgrades that will help your hotel earn more revenue in 2017!

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Strengthening an industry always begins at the grassroots level, and hospitality is no exception. With over 90% of accommodation providers belonging to the SME segment, improving their mode of operation…
hotel bookings

Most Important Features of Property Management System

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
In today’s digital world, hoteliers find themselves in an environment that provides them with all the tools they could possibly need. From property management systems to revenue management tools,…
Hotel Cloud PMS

Mobile management technology – A new era in hotel management is here!

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Smartphones have become the ultimate productivity engines. While it’s been easy to see how these devices have transformed people’s lives, it’s taken a lot longer for hospitality…
Hotel Brand

Technology and the guest experience should be brothers in arms!

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
We’ve become so accustomed to digital technology today that it’s hard to truly appreciate new breakthroughs. In fact, we expect more. Guests are no different. With the vast…
Guest experience

One CLOUD fits all – Personalizing the guest experience for the millennial travelers

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Guest behavior and spending patterns are constantly fluctuating, but the past decade has witnessed a different scenario. There’s no doubt that the growth of technology within hospitality has played…
hotel management system

WTM 2016 Key Takeaways

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
The World Travel Market, hospitality’s largest annual trade show, concluded last week and industry professionals from all sectors of the industry gathered to observe the latest market findings. 2016’…
best hotel software

Holiday Offer – Slash your hotel management expenses by 50%!

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
We’re drawing towards the end of what’s been another eventful year for hospitality, and especially independent hoteliers – small and mid-sized hotels around the world have firmly established themselves…
Hotel Brand

Adopting mobile management tools benefits your hotel’s guest experience

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
The rise of millennial travelers has seen sweeping changes envelop hospitality. Guests today enjoy unprecedented levels of convenience – with almost everything they need available via their smartphone. The industry has…
Hotel Brand

Checklist – Is the mobile PMS app helping your hotel in these areas?

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Mobile technology is on its way to becoming an integral part of modern hospitality, and not just from the guest’s perspective. As we saw in our previous blog, the…