enhance guest experience

3 posts

What Should I Do to Improve the Guest Booking Experience on My Website?

The experience your guests enjoy will play a central role in the success (or lack thereof) that your hotel experiences. However, too many hotel owners and managers assume that the…
advantages of mobile automation for hotels

Why you should mobile enable your hotel staff?

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
The digital revolution is here. And, as a hotelier, you certainly cannot ignore the shift of guest preferences towards hotel mobile apps. Many studies indicate a sharp rise in the…
e-book on simple ways to enhance guest experience

8 resolutions your hotel should make to become a guest magnet in 2015

In the hospitality industry, there is only one boss who is the guest. He has the power to take away business from you by spending elsewhere. As the New Year…