hospitality trend

3 posts
hospitality trend

Get Your Guests To Talk The Way You'd like to Remembered

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Carrying on from the previous blogs where we discussed ways by which hotels can outsmart the competition, this blog is dedicated to guest management and how to get them to…
hospitality trend

Help your Independent Hotel Succeed with Mobile Friendly Websites

According to eMarketer, the number of Smartphone users surpassed 2.6 billion people in 2016, that is nearly 1/3 of the world’s population. 47% of all internet traffic…
hospitality trend

Perils of The Booming Hospitality Industry

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Congrats to all hoteliers who reached the target in the year gone by and for those who did not – well hate to burst the bubble but this year is going…