hotel reservation system

14 posts
best booking software

How Can a Hotel’s Website Be Personalized to Increase Revenue?

A hotel’s value lies in how it’s able to cater to its guests. The hospitality industry has always hinged on providing an exceptional and personalized experience for the…
advantages of hotel reservation system

Ways in Which Reservation Systems Can Help Hotels

In today’s online world, most travelers look to reserve hotel rooms via the Internet. Without an online reservation system available, your hotel may be overlooked by the tech-savvy traveler…
booking engine

5 Ways You Can Reduce Rising OTA Commission and Increase Profitability

The hospitality industry would be a very different place without OTAs. They provide vital benefits in the digital age and in a world where old ways for consumers to find…
attract international tourists

How to Boost International Bookings at Your Hotel

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
With the world becoming more and more connected, travel (especially, international travel) is no longer a luxury. As per recent statistics, the travel and tourism industry contributed over 7.6…
cloud hotel system

Give yourself the time to be a Hotelier - The Power of Hotelogix Cloud PMS

The dawn of the 80’s saw the rise of videos and the slow demise of the radio, which led to one of the greatest hits of that era, “Video…
benefits of hotel reservation system

5 Reasons Why You Should Replace Your Current Hotel Reservation System

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Here’s some food for thought… One of the biggest ironies is that we, as a generation, are spoilt for choice but very few of us know exactly what we…
cloud based hotel PMS

Hotelogix completes 10 years of successful operations

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Hotelogix, a global leader in hospitality technology domain, is celebrating 10 years of empowering hotels with its world-class cloud-based Hotel PMS. During the last decade, Hotelogix has grown into a…
cloud based property management system

Are Legacy Property Management Systems Outdated?

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
As the industry grows, the legacy systems of yesterday shrink in the distance. Hotels drive forward, leaving the old, bulky systems in the dust. While the future of this rapidly…
Green technology

The Hotel Industry is Using Technology to Ease Operations

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Although the hotel industry is extraordinarily reliant on staff and administration, technology assumes a huge part of its operations. Property Management Systems: An incredible sample of such innovation in the…
channel manager

The impact of the World Cup on Brazil’s hospitality industry

According to a report by Ernst and Young Terco, visitors are expected to spend over 2 billion Brazilian real on hospitality (over $800 million USD). With such a large influx…