hotel pos

7 posts

Understanding the Benefits of Hotel PMS and POS Integration

The modern hotel runs on software. You use software to schedule your employees, track housekeeping supply usage and inventory, and check guests into and out of the property. The problem…
hotel f&b revenue

Room sales are great, but don’t ignore your hotel’s other profit centers!

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
As we’ve seen in the post, ‘’Dear hoteliers, high ADR is the key to your hotel’s profitability – not high occupancy!”, hotels experience better profitability when they focus on…
cloud based hotel software

Topaz Malta Hotel Experiences 66% More Booking Efficiency With Hotelogix

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Alan Arrigo and his hotel staff were having a hard time managing reservation with their outdated system – intensive manual entry was required for all bookings. 6 people were required to…
cloud based hotel software

WhatsApp – Incorporate The Most Powerful Messaging Platform In Your Hotel Marketing Strategy

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
As far as priorities go, there’s nothing more important for hotels than ensuring an unforgettable guest experience. With social media now becoming dominant in all walks of life, it’…
Bar software

Optimizing Your Hotel’s F&B Outlets Will Improve Your Bottom-line

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Selling rooms is the bread and butter of any hotel, but that doesn’t mean other sources of revenue within the property can be ignored! Restaurants, bars, gift shops and…
hotel point of sale system

How can Small Hotels with Restaurants Simplify Operations?

Small hotels look at means by which they can ease the burden on their limited manpower and manage operations efficiently. Managing rooms itself can be cumbersome for small and mid-sized…
hotel point of sale system

Is It the Time to POS and Reflect?

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Mark Twain once said, whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Most hotels today are using the cloud in conventional…