Guest experience

50 posts
Guest experience

Are Robots the future of hotel industry?

Robots in the hospitality industry? 50 years ago people would have scoffed at the idea, but now at the rapid pace in which technology is changing, this has become very…
cloud based hotel software

Housekeepers – The Unsung Heroes Behind Every Hotel’s Success

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
While hotels continue to prioritize the guest experience and introduce new futuristic tools that enhance the quality of the stay, clean rooms have become such a fundamental pre-requisite that they’…
cloud based hotel software

Topaz Malta Hotel Experiences 66% More Booking Efficiency With Hotelogix

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Alan Arrigo and his hotel staff were having a hard time managing reservation with their outdated system – intensive manual entry was required for all bookings. 6 people were required to…
cloud based hotel software

WhatsApp – Incorporate The Most Powerful Messaging Platform In Your Hotel Marketing Strategy

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
As far as priorities go, there’s nothing more important for hotels than ensuring an unforgettable guest experience. With social media now becoming dominant in all walks of life, it’…
Bar software

Optimizing Your Hotel’s F&B Outlets Will Improve Your Bottom-line

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Selling rooms is the bread and butter of any hotel, but that doesn’t mean other sources of revenue within the property can be ignored! Restaurants, bars, gift shops and…
cloud based hotel software

Hotelogix Drives Up Bookings By 20% For Superpro Samui

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
When it came to optimizing property management, Robbie Timmers could only choose Hotelogix for his property. He went through a number of management systems, but Hotelogix’s positive feedback from…
cloud based hotel software

Hotels Are Simplifying The Guest Cycle – So Is This The End For The Front Desk?

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
There’s little doubt that technology has played a massive role in the growth of almost every segment within hospitality. As software-enabled management began to replace the traditional pen-and-paper approach,…
boost direct bookings

Best Practises To Improve Your Hotel Booking Engine's Conversions

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
There’s no doubt that the web booking engine is the most important component of a hotel’s website. But despite this, a number of properties still depend almost completely…
Boost occupancy

Be Proactive – It’s What Guests Expect From Your Hotel Employees Today!

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
Skype, Face Time, video conferencing, and relevant technologies are believed to have widely reduced the need for people to travel from place to place to meet employees, colleagues or clients.…
cloud based hotel software

Checklist – Make Sure Your Hotel Is Ready For Every Market This 2016

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Technology is breaking new ground every year and hospitality is usually among the first industries to benefit from the latest innovations. Guest trends are changing all the time and travelers…