5 posts
Does your PMS generate revenue impacting reports?
Reports are an essential part of hotel management as they play a huge impact in tracking and analyzing the hotel performance and growth. Reports are important for the management who…
audit trails
Powerful user management – a must-have in a hotel PMS
Independent hoteliers should be on top of their business always and monitor what is happening at the property even when they are not around. As a hotel is a hotbed…
business intelligence
How can hotels make the most of business intelligence?
Hotels generate enormous data on a daily basis which can be used to derive a good amount of business intelligence that can be further utilized in various departments. This data…
hotel reports
How useful are Night Audit Reports for a Hotel?
The Night Audit is mandatory in a hotel as it completely controls the transactions for a day. It checks all reservation discrepancies, posts charges and generates folios, updates housekeeping status…
cloud based PMS
5 Ways a Hotel Can Save With Cloud Technology
Any good businessperson knows that overall savings will help propel the business forward. Whether you are in the beginning stages of building your hotel or just need a revitalized plan,…