Increase Occupancy

4 posts
chain hotel management

Super-efficient ways to sell more and increase occupancy at your chain hotel with a multi-property solution

We know that, as a hotelier, your foremost objective is to sell more rooms and increase occupancy, and the statistics around them are a few critical metrics you would like…
booking hotel

Hotel Room Sales Strategies: To increase Occupancy and Revenue

Hotel room sales are more than just getting another guest to walk through the doors of your property. If done right, room sales can significantly improve your hotel business in…
how to increase hotel occupancy

5 best tips on how to increase hotel occupancy

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Seeing the ‘Sold Out’ sign at your hotel’s gates is arguably one of the best feelings for a hotelier! I get it. But how often have you had that…
Attract Guests Hotel

Attracting Guests in 2016: What You Need to Know to Improve Your Hotel's Online Reputation

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Building a hotel’s reputation can be a long process that involves years of exemplary service and painstaking work. Even after creating a successful hospitality brand, maintaining the brand’s…