Hotel Revenue Management

23 posts
cloud based hotel software

4 Steps To Get Started Building Your Hotel’s Brand

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
With computing technology evolving faster than the very devices that house it, almost every industry has witnessed rapid growth online. Customers are taking to their mobile devices in larger numbers…
cloud based hotel software

5 Revenue Management Practices That Can Boost Your Hotel’s Cash Flow

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Hotel room pricing has been the subject of much debate for a while now. Accommodation providers are finding it increasingly difficult to arrive at the right rates for the right…
Hospitality Management

How Simplification Can Elevate Your Hotel Chain’s Bottom Line

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Running a multi-property hotel chain can be quite challenging without having a proper management strategy in place. As we have seen in the previous post, chains rely a lot on…