hotel booking management system

5 posts
best booking software

How Can a Hotel’s Website Be Personalized to Increase Revenue?

A hotel’s value lies in how it’s able to cater to its guests. The hospitality industry has always hinged on providing an exceptional and personalized experience for the…
average hotel operating costs per room

Finding Additional Ways to Boost Your Revenue Beyond Bookings

When you’re looking to garner additional profits for your hotel, coming up with ways to achieve this can be difficult. Profit margins in the hospitality industry are smaller than…
booking engine

5 Ways You Can Reduce Rising OTA Commission and Increase Profitability

The hospitality industry would be a very different place without OTAs. They provide vital benefits in the digital age and in a world where old ways for consumers to find…
booking engine hacks for hotels

4 hacks to get more hotel reservation from your booking engine

Prabhash Bhatnagar
Prabhash Bhatnagar
Have you ever wondered why OTAs give you more bookings? Why the average online hotel booking engine conversion rate stands at below 2% (Source) despite hoteliers spending on marketing and…
cloud based hotel software

Hotelogix Drives Up Bookings By 20% For Superpro Samui

Debiprasad Sarangi
Debiprasad Sarangi
When it came to optimizing property management, Robbie Timmers could only choose Hotelogix for his property. He went through a number of management systems, but Hotelogix’s positive feedback from…