add new listing tripadvisor

How to Leverage TripAdvisor for Your Hotel Business

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
The hospitality industry is more competitive than ever before. Hotels are forced to target the same travelers, and the lingering effects of the pandemic continue to create waves for hotel…
best online reputation management

Managing Guest Conflict and Online Reputation

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
Online reviews – they’re everywhere today. From e-commerce stores to hotels, people love to share their thoughts about their experiences. It’s about more than just venting when you have…
advantages of pms

How Important Is a PMS in Helping with Day-to-Day Hotel Operations?

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
Hospitality management software has advanced a lot in recent years, including the types available to you. In the past, you might have been able to get by with just a…
hotel rate shopping

Exploring the Rate Shopping Tool and Its Benefits for Your Property

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
Room rates – they’re your bread and butter. They’re also one of the key reasons why someone might choose to stay at your hotel versus a competitor (or stay…
a small hotel

How Hotel Technology Can Help Small Hotel Businesses

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
To say that 2020 was a rough year for hospitality businesses is a massive understatement. It was a time of incredible upheaval, and it didn’t end when 2021 was…
competitor hotel rates

Hotel Room Pricing and Rate Optimization: How It Can Increase Profits

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
The hotel industry has become more and more competitive. The lingering effects of the pandemic, the potential for new lockdowns, the concern that is still keeping some travelers at home,…
booking engine

5 Ways You Can Reduce Rising OTA Commission and Increase Profitability

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
The hospitality industry would be a very different place without OTAs. They provide vital benefits in the digital age and in a world where old ways for consumers to find…
guest guide

Hotel Service – Become a Guide for Your Guests

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
The hotel industry is more competitive today than ever before. You’re increasingly competing for the attention of the same guests as every other hotel in the area. Finding ways…
best hotel chains

Operational hazards of an on-premises Hotel PMS for your hotel chain

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
A hotel property management system (Hotel PMS) is a software application that helps you streamline and automate operations. This is the most basic functionality of both legacy software or on-premises…
free booking links

Free Booking Links from Google: How Your PMS Can Make You Visible on the Most-Used Search Engine

Manu Sharma
Manu Sharma
What comes to mind first when you think about online search? If you’re like most people, it’s Google. Most searches begin with a Google query today, with Bing,…
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