Rahul Das

Rahul Das

Rahul heads the inside sales for Hotelogix, a Hotel PMS. With 15 years of expertise in the hospitality industry, he helps hoteliers overcome their challenges with tech & best industry practices.
16 posts
Amazon Travel

[Infographic] 5 Trends That Will Impact Small Hotels in 2015

Rahul Das
Rahul Das
For the global hospitality space, 2014 was the year of meeting Millennial expectations, heightened interest in TripConnect, mergers and acquisition in the hotel technology space and the rise of eco-conscious…
Amazon Travel

5 Trends All Small Hotels Should Watch Out For in 2015

Rahul Das
Rahul Das
We bring to you five game-changing latest trends in the hospitality industry that will impact the small and mid-sized hotel industry as well as create opportunities in the coming year…
cloud based PMS

7 Reasons Why you Should Shift from Legacy to Cloud PMS

Rahul Das
Rahul Das
Cloud based property management system is the ideal solution for small and mid-sized hotels if they’re looking to expand their reach in the global market and cut down on…
enhancing guest experience

5 Commandments to Delight your Hotel Guests

Rahul Das
Rahul Das
In the hospitality industry, the term hospitality refers to cordial, humble and welcoming to people. As hoteliers, we’d like to consider ourselves as providers of great customer service. Guests…
changing guest expectations

How are Traveler Trends and Guest Expectations Changing?

Rahul Das
Rahul Das
Today’s traveler is tech-savvy, well-researched and has very different expectations from a trip and hotel stay than he would have in the past. Hoteliers need to understand these changing…
guests look for free wi-fi in hotels

Wi-Fi in Smaller Hotels: No more a Luxury!

Rahul Das
Rahul Das
Business travellers and leisure travellers all seem to be keeping one major criteria as their deal breaker whilst choosing a hotel; there has to be free Wi-Fi!  Some of the…