Do you have software that was purchased 5 years back, was expensive to purchase with a heavy annual maintenance fee?

In spite of investing on maintenance of the software it is grossly outdated, does not integrate with many of the new systems, new updates are unavailable and it is incompatible with the latest version of the software? If you have experienced the above scenario or are wary of investing into a system because of high maintenance, cloud should be your preferred choice of technology to go for.

With lots of innovative Cloud property management systems Read: What’s New in Hotelogix Cloud PMS? in the market to choose from, small and mid-size hotels are recognizing the significance of shifting to the cloud. Not only is Cloud PMS low investment, the biggest advantage lies in the low maintenance cost as compared to legacy or licence based software.

Cloud based property management systems Read: Flexibility of Cloud PMS: Pay as you go offer a low cost packaged subscription model that includes maintenance upgrades, version upgrades and support. Cloud based PMS requires zero investment in infrastructure which in turn means zero maintenance in terms of hiring IT staff to manage the infrastructure. IT staff to maintain the hardware and the software forms a major chunk of the maintenance cost incurred by the legacy or licence based software. In most of the cases, the monthly subscription fee of Cloud PMS is less than the cost of hiring a singly IT Staff.

Zero costs for upgrades and newer versions are another big advantage. Cloud PMS include the upgrades in their subscription fee. You enjoy the latest upgrades seamlessly with no extra cost. With legacy systems newer versions built on the latest technology may not always be compatible with the older versions of the software. Cloud systems, on the other hand, are built to be scalable and adaptable and always work with one version of the software.

Cloud PMS only requires a browser and an internet connection. In legacy license based PMS, a change in the hardware would require the migration of the software and data which would again incur a cost. With cloud based PMS, change in the hardware does not require any extra effort. Cloud systems can be accessed from any laptop, computer, tablet and even a smartphone. They are available anytime and anywhere.

Hotels using cloud based PMS do not have to invest in regular backup and security of their data as well. This cost is also included in the subscription fee of cloud systems.

With state of the art IAAS based systems offered by Amazon, Microsoft and many others your data is secure with the latest security protocols. With zero installation and zero maintenance it is no surprise that hoteliers are choosing to switch to cloud from licence based legacy software.

Take a free trial and see how it works for your hotel.