Why Hotelogix is the best lodge Management Software

One of the best ways to make sure your lodge is sustainably successful is to invest in a Lodge management software. Whether you are a lodge in the traditional sense, situated far from the chaos of urban settings, nestled in the lap of nature or a more modern-day lodge with state-of-the-art offerings, investing in a lodge management software like Hotelogix is bound you bring you success.


The need for a comprehensive and end-to-end lodging software to help streamline processes, automate tasks that don’t need human intervention, increase occupancy, improve online reputation and so much more, is universal. While the day-to-day management of your lodge will surely see a massive transformation with a lodging software in place, there are much bigger and more strategic benefits too that you can expect from investing in a Lodge management system like Hotelogix.

1. Improve online visibility:

The two main differences between any other accommodation solution and a lodge is their location and their target audience. Most lodges are properties that offer a get away from the rigmarole of the ‘big city-life’, providing exclusive experiences that are centered around nature. Either they are inside a national park, or by a lake or atop a hill or even surrounded by greenery.

When it comes to the audience that lodges cater to, these are people who are looking for a long getaway. Meaning they mostly attract leisure travelers who are also looking for some outdoor experience.

Having such a niche audience makes it mandatory for lodges to have in place a lodging software that will enable them to connect with the target market. Hotelogix lodge management software can get this done with absolute efficiency as hoteliers can easily integrate with Channel Managers. Connect with as many OTAs as need be and drastically transform your online visibility. The more you are visible across booking sites, OTAs, GDSs, the higher the online bookings.

2. Boost room sales:

Lodge booking software helps increase room sales, from OTAs as well as directly from your website. Like we just discussed, you will need a lodge management software to connect with a Channel manager, which will in turn connect with as many OTAs as you opt for.

Lodges can connect to either the most popular OTAs globally or the most popular OTA in a specific region. Depending on where you get maximum bookings from, you can choose the OTAs you wish to be listed on.

While OTAs take care of a part of your bookings, they also bite into your budget quite a bit. This is where having a lodge management software, like Hotelogix, will make a difference. Hotelogix not only comes with an in-built Web Booking Engine but also integrates with other third-party WBE solutions, that integrates with your hotel website, helping you drive more direct bookings.

3. Enhanced guest experience:

We live in the age of the customer, where a business can only flourish so long as they put guest-centricity at the core of everything that they do. Especially in the hospitality industry, guest engagement is of prime importance.
A lodge management software like Hotelogix should help lodge owners at multiple levels when it comes to enhancing guest experience. At the pre-arrival stage, it helps you trigger an automated booking confirmation email from within the Lodge Booking System as soon as the booking is made.

While the guest is staying with you, inter-departmental communications can happen from within the lodging software, helping everyone be on the same page when it comes to serving guests right. For example, if the front desk has a message, on behalf of the guest, for the housekeeping department they can just leave a message for the housekeeping staff to take note. Post departure, you could shoot out customized review request emails to your happy guests.

4. Transform your online reputation:

Reviews are one of the prime drivers for guests to make a booking and this is a week known fact in the industry. Therefore, collecting reviews from happy guests is extremely important for lodge owners to build their online reputation.

The Hotelogix Lodge Management System integrates with third party solutions that notify you on the system, every time a new review comes in for your property on review sites. This is extremely handy because it helps you keep track of reviews and respond to them as soon as they come in, which helps build your brand’s credibility and your online reputation.

Also, online review sites like TripAdvisor have a specific algorithm, based on which you can rank higher on their listings namely quality, quantity and recency of reviews. A lodging software can help you with the quantity part of it by automatically triggering review request email to the guests you know are happy with your service. reputation.

5. Optimize revenue and profitability:

A Lodge Booking Software is a major advantage for lodge owners who are looking to optimize their revenue and profitability! With Hotelogix Lodge Management Software in place, you can integrate with multiple world-class solutions that include crucial aspects of business like competitive pricing, dynamic pricing, reporting, accounting, etc.
In the blog we have discussed some of the aspects that makes the Hotelogix the best Lodge Management Software in the market. There are several other features that will further validate this and this is why we believe your lodge needs a robust, end-to-end and easy-to-use our Lodging software.