Why Cloud-Based PMS is Better Equipped to Integrate with Channel Managers

Some things work just fine together on their own; like peanut butter and toast, a sunset and the beach or lemonade and a warm summer day. But there is always an element that could take the duo to the next level of ease and enjoyment; like jelly, a delicious meal, or a nice cool breeze. When it comes to managing your hotel’s front desk, the property management system (PMS) and channel manager can be elevated to the next level by being connected through a cloud-based PMS. Just by adding one element to this amazing duo, your property will experience a renewed benefit of immediate updates and flawless communication.

A channel manager is an interface that communicates with the numerous channels your hotel is promoted across. When these two interfaces are integrated together, they can seamlessly communicate with each other to broadcast accurate information in real time. When a change is made at your front desk, it will be instantly updated across all the channels you work with to ensure that accurate information – like the proper rate – is being given to potential guests. You won’t have to worry about rate parity issues because you will have remote access to revenue managers. No more manually entering reservation details, the information will be automatically saved on the cloud. If a guest calls in to cancel a reservation, the room will automatically open back up for other guests to fill. This will help you to make most of your bookings, ensuring that guests have the best opportunity to book the room they want.

When your property management system and channel manager are connected to the cloud, the two systems will be able to communicate information that is stored through the internet, with no server required. There are fewer barriers to cross when they both are connected to the same cloud and the data is being stored in a safe, secure and easily managed system. By streamlining the distribution process, hoteliers are able to focus on other aspects of the property – increasing their competitive edge.  Some great duos just need a little something extra to take them to the next level.