Web Booking: Making Plans with a Click!

Making reservations online has become a habitual part of the tech-familiar individuals. At the click of a cursor; they can book a table at their favorite restaurant by accessing the restaurant’s website or purchase tickets to their favorite shows, and even reserve seats on a flight with a few swipes of the keyboard. The ease and flexibility of online bookings has made it a popular choice within the hospitality industry, but those are not the only advantages that come along with online reservation systems.

Online web bookings bring:

1. Speed.

Guests are able to find a room of their choice and setting, and can book it with no hesitation and no coaxing. If a guest knows what they are looking for, bookings can be completed in a matter of minutes.

2. Comparison shopping

Guests are able to look at properties side-by-side to clearly compare the pros and cons of each.

3. Less manpower

With online travel agencies doing the work and directly linking to property management systems, there is less need for employees to manually input booking information at the front desk. This way you are liberating time for employees to better maintain the hotel or attend to guests.

4. Double booking less likely

 Automated systems not only create ample free time for employees, they also help prevent human mistakes while inputting booking information.

5. Flexibility

Guests can easily customize their stay using online bookings and look at available travel dates to get the best deals.

6. Ease

Online booking is easy to do and requires little effort from the customer. All they need is an Internet connection and their credit card information – they can book from the comfort of their own home or in the taxi on the way to the property.

7. Organization

With online booking you can easily bookmark or save important documents to keep travel plans neat and organized.

8. Greater reach

Online reservation systems are able to reach a larger number of customers.

9. Reduces cost for hoteliers

With a lowered cost from reduced manpower and fewer double bookings, revenue will be able to be put to better use.

10. Feature special offers

Online reservation systems can show guests the benefits of being a part of a rewards program as a loyal customer, during booking.

From behind a computer screen, smartphone or personal tablet; customers are able to personalize their booking experience. In a tech-addicted world, people want a fast and convenient response to their needs, and web booking does just that.

We live in a well-informed and past paced world. With information ready to be accessed by the swipe of finger, your hotel business should be quick to translate their front desk into the virtual space in an emphatic manner. Hotelogix’s PMS gives you the freedom to take your business online by incorporating a web booking portal that makes online transactions a pleasure to undertake by guests, thereby making it a smooth-sail for your business as well!