Top Tips To Help You Upgrade Your Hotel PMS Stress-Free

If you are a hotelier and your main aim is to get unlimited and unmatched success in the long run, then it is crucial for you to do a thorough audit on you current PMS hotel software and see whether it is doing everything you ever expected from a hotel PMS.

However, before going for a new hotel PMS, go ahead and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have your hotel operations evolved over time?

  • The PMS software which you are using, does it meet all your current needs?

  • Is the software still as valuable as it was when you implemented it for the first time?

  • Is there any new hotel PMS in the market that is stronger, faster, and better solution exists?

  • Is your PMS letting you manage your property when you are on the go or not present in the property?

  • Does it provide you with real-time updates on room inventory and prices?

After this, you should also pay attention to the fact that the technology is advancing at a rapid rate, there are changes happening and innovations being made. Automation and cloud are two such sought after techs that are gaining significant traction. So, it also becomes the need of the hour for you to welcome these advancements and also make your own hotel evolve with the changing time.

If you are already making use of a cloud-based PMS, then you are on the right path. However, you have to compare whether your PMS is still the best for you and your hotel or is it the right time to switch to a new and much more technologically advanced cloud hotel PMS.

You can also do it easily by looking at the undermentioned signs which are indications of the much-required change:

You Have Lost Touch With Your Hotel Operations

The main function of a cloud PMS solution is to smoothen the operations of your hotel. A hotel PMS ensures that the processes are automated and streamlined and makes difficult tasks easy and convenient.

However, there are systems that despite being good, they lack transparency. If you are the owner of a hotel or an important part of the management team and you are not aware of what exactly is happening in your hotel and its operations, then its high time to opt for cloud-based Property Management System that not only makes your hotel operations seamless but also gives you a crystal clear view of the entire back end. You get more power to control as a hotelier.

When Your Hotel Staff Is Confused

You can check the efficiency of a great cloud PMS solution by your staff’s ability to handle it. The new-age hotel PMS is simple and easy to use! If your hotel staff is struggling to use it, finding it confusing, taking way too much of training sessions to understand it, then get them a smart, simple and user-friendly PMS.

If The Current Hotel PMS Is Not Comprehensive

Another important feature of a reliable PMS is its ability to integrate the independent solutions and if it fails to be comprehensive and a one-stop solution, then it is time to upgrade it. Get yourself one cloud PMS solution that does it all.

Return On Investment Is Low

One of the prime reasons behind opting for a PMS is to generate more revenue. And if your current is failing to do so then upgrade it to the one which can increase direct bookings, is equipped with a payment processor, and plays the role of an efficient guest CRM.

If the above mentioned are the experiences your hotel is exposed to then you should make a move to a cloud PMS and find out how easy it is to measure, track and stay on top of all the data concerning your property.

Here Are Some Tips To Upgrade Your Hotel PMS Conveniently

Let Your Hotel Run On The Cloud

Cloud has been a game-changer for a lot of industries and is making a great impact on the hotel industry as well. Today, almost every property management system is making a move to the cloud. Many of the world’s biggest names are getting the advantages from doing so, with administered access to data and information, cost benefits and smooth deployment.

Other advantages would be lowered stress on the infrastructure of hotel technology, smooth integration with 3rd party applications and enhanced security.

Keep The Guest Database As Your Target

A dedicated property management system keeps a record of all the guests in the property concerning their — name, gender, corporate or FIT, nationality and other contact details. The PMS also keeps a record of the payment method and the type of room as well which is booked for that guest. This helps the management to keep a record for current and future guest relations.

One example of this is the spa management module, under which it tracks the medical history or condition of the guest, their preference etc. These databases further ensure more positive guest experiences.

Welcome The Profit Management System

There are huge volumes of data which the revenue managers have to maintain in their PMS databases. In the case of large properties, this data may relate to rooms and their types, guests’ segments, booking data, etc.

Add to the combination data like demand, multi-market economic data, competitive rate data, traffic predictions, social reviews and weather predictions. Joining these data sets for a single property can result in observations of a huge two hundred million-plus. This data should then be put into the correct model for optimisation which is used for revenue management activities.

Get Real-Time Room Inventory and Price Updates

We have already talked about integrations which are a must for a PMS to have. One of the primes integrations is a channel manager connect. It is common in hotels that they struggle to manually update room inventory and prices on different channels.

This is when a channel manager comes into the picture. When you opt for the ‘best property management system’ make sure it provides you with a channel manager connect. Without a channel, manager connect, your hotel would lag behind a huge margin compared to your competitors.

Manage Your Hotel On The Go

Mobile technology has evolved to a great extent — it is today one of the most sought-after techs in the entire world. Businesses around the world are going mobile to make their business operations more seamless, and the hotel industry is no exception.

If your hotel PMS doesn’t have a mobile app then it’s not at all worth spending your hard-earned money on it. Look for a system that comes with a Mobile PMS, using which you can manage your entire hotel operation even when you are out of the property.


By following the above-mentioned tips and tricks you can easily upgrade your traditional or old hotel PMS with a best property management system which helps to manage the hotel operations in the aptest way and help you to maximise your revenue. Moving to a new hotel software which is advanced and much more automated PMS would help you and your hotel in the long run. So do it in the most stress-free way!

Hotelogix PMS is one such system that has marked itself as a leading cloud PMS solution. Whether it’s about managing your frontdesk operations or multiple POS outlets or housekeeping, Hotelogix does it all. It even comes with the world’s most powerful Mobile Hotel PMS that lets you perform tasks that were once possible only on computers.

Not to mention, it is also equipped with the world’s first automated coaching engine that trains your staff without any human involvement. The system is powered by AI and is always there by your side to guide you. And it doesn’t even cost you any extra penny.