The magic of a GDS description

Global distribution systems are extremely beneficial, but on their own they are not a magical potion that you can consume and become the most successful hotelier in the land. A GDS can help to streamline processes and connect clients to your property, but it won’t fill every room on your property for you. You need to provide the GDS with the appropriate information so it can help to maximize your bookings.

Travel agents choose hotels from a list of available properties displayed on a GDS. A hotel description acts as an electronic brochure to entice agents to book your property. The availability display on a GDS will show the precise location, availability, amenities, rates, a short description of the room and images. If this is done effectively, the GDS will be able to work its magic.

To make the most of your GDS description, be sure to provide alluring, yet accurate, information:

  • GDS channels need to know the room type, which doesn’t display in the GDS, so it is wise to include it in the short room description. The short description will display in the availability screen with two lines, both maxing out at 47 characters. This should highlight the unique selling points of your property that will draw in potential clients.
  • A long room description is needed in addition to the short description. It maxes out at four lines of 47 characters so don’t repeat information from your short description. Focus on service benefits and use strong adjectives to maximize the limited space.
  • Include all amenities, services and facilities available on your property as well as those that are located nearby. Some guests may require certain features or want easy access to a specific location. Don’t lose a potential customer by forgetting to list that you have a secure building or are located in the center of the city.
  • You also need to provide a rolling inventory quantity and share the maximum occupancy per room type. Technical details are just as important as the selling points.

Before you finalize your hotel description, compare it to some of the best in the industry. Ask travel agents what works well for a property and what doesn’t. Present your description in a condensed list with bulleted information for easy online viewing. If you follow the best practices for creating a GDS description you will soon have travel agents under your spell.