Technology and the guest experience should be brothers in arms!

We’ve become so accustomed to digital technology today that it’s hard to truly appreciate new breakthroughs. In fact, we expect more. Guests are no different.

With the vast array of guest service apps and technology available today, the absence of digital enhancements is conspicuous. Free WiFi, mobile concierge, and now even digital room keys are fast becoming the norm – not the exception

Unfortunately for hoteliers, merely providing guests with all the digital toys they demand isn’t going to guarantee a great guest experience. Sure, the hotel is less likely to receive a negative rating if it can cater to a guest’s wants – but almost any hotel today can do that. Catering to the guest’s needs, that’s what turns a good experience into an unforgettable one.

Technology is great as long as it doesn’t depersonalize your staff

Guests coming to a hotel bring with them a certain level of expectation. As we’ve discussed in older blogs, millennials are on their way to becoming the spending majority. And unlike previous generations, they don’t mind staying at ‘unbranded’ hotels. However, they do expect a great experience. A hotel that can connect with its guest and deliver such an experience has a bright future in today’s congested industry.

The human element plays a critical role in hospitality. Unfortunately, this aspect of the industry is gradually fading away as modern hotels begin to explore increased levels of mechanization – some hotels have already begun experimenting with robots at the front desk and room service!

Having courteous staff who strive to make guests feel welcomes can have a massive impact on the guest’s stay. Even something as simple as having a warm smile during check-in can set the stage for the perfect stay.

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Investing in the right type of technology

The good news is, technology can help hotels achieve this. However, it’s down to the hotel manager to innovate and discover the right mix of man and machine to optimize the quality of the guest’s stay.

A good example is personalization. Modern cloud-based PMSs have enabled independent properties to attain the same level of operational efficiency that the larger, evolved hotel brands have enjoyed for decades. These systems also record guest information and preferences, add-ons, and all other details about the individual. This information can be leveraged to enhance the guest’s stay the next time they visit, by providing them with the same options they prefer.

With a mobile PMS, hotels can decrease congestion at the front desk and enable guests to check-in and out of the property even if all workstations are occupied. This saves time for the staff as well, enabling them to spend less time in front of screens and dedicate more time to catering to guests.

Equipping your hotel with technology can have a major positive impact on your hotel, especially mobile management systems. However, the staff also play a major role in influencing the quality of the guest’s stay. What’s important is that managers devote themselves to improving efficiency – adopting technology should help the hotel boost its operational capability and free time for employees. As J. Marriott once said, take care of your employees and they’ll take care of your guests!