Smooth Sailing with Integrated Channel Management and PMS

Keeping your assembly line running smoothly isn’t easy. With numerous sections vying for the attention of a hotel manager, it is easy to understand how a few mistakes could slide by every now and then. The hospitality industry doesn’t sleep, and mistakes are bad for business. Hoteliers need a little assistance keeping things in proper working order and, thankfully, with the right software, that’s possible. By integrating a distribution channel manager software and property management system (PMS), your property will become the well-oiled machine that you always knew it could be.

An integrated channel manager and PMS automates the booking and management of a property for smooth sailing. The seamless combination of the two eliminates the chance of error which can be caused by manual consolidation of booking data from a channel manager. All of your platforms will be able to work together seamlessly, allowing you to focus your energies on other areas that need attention.

With the integration of these two platforms, there will be no more worrying about:

  • Double booking.
  • Rate parity among all outlets.
  • Currency conversion.
  • Real time updates.

The days of worrying about converting a base currency into the currency where the sale takes place are long gone. You won’t have to deal with the embarrassing and detrimental backlash of double booking a room, or overbooking the entire property, either. Having these two systems integrated eliminates any chance of overlapping your bookings or leaving a glaring gap in continuity.

Set your property up for success and upgrade to using integrated channel management and PMS. Soon every part will be running as it should.