Simplifying Online Room Sales for Independent Hotels


When it comes to distributing room inventory online, independent hotels have typically struggled when compared to larger branded properties. Some of these challenges, such as lack of online knowledge and unwillingness to adapt to newer technology, are discussed in our previous blog. However, Cloud-based technology is proving to close this gap and open up more booking opportunities than ever before for independent hotels. By design, Cloud technology has advantages to carry out effective online room inventory distribution over legacy management systems. Here are some of the ways that an integrated Cloud-based hotel booking software achieves a unified distribution strategy:

Increases Room Visibility:

Cloud technology expands your hotel’s reach and attracts guests from diverse geographies instead of limiting visibility to just one channel’s audience.

For example, Pope’s Landing Marina and RV Resort in Texas began utilizing Website and Facebook Booking Engines and saw a 24% increase in occupancy during their busiest months.  As Jody Thompson, the property’s owner and manager states, “Hotelogix has made our lodging stand out from the other lodging options in our area. We get travelers from all over the world so having the ability to book online has made it possible for more people to stay with us.”

Cancellations are No Longer an Issue:

When using a unified distribution strategy, a cancellation on one channel is not a problem but rather another selling opportunity on a different channel. This way, your hotel does not miss out on any potential revenues, as the cancelled booking can be re-marketed right away.

Fully Centralized System:

Using a pooled inventory of rooms will help you avoid overbooking as the rooms can be distributed amongst different channels and can be re-allotted as necessary. A cloud-based unified distribution system helps avoid reservation errors and also achieves maximum reach across all channels.

Real-time Access to Information:

A unified distribution system ensures that your room inventory is being displayed in real time and that your online presence is continuously maintained. This allows guests to make a booking at your hotel from anywhere and at any time that suits them, while keeping you updated on each room sale or cancellation.  With such a system, you will not miss a single reservation.

The key to maintaining maximum occupancy and boosting your independent hotel’s revenues lies in using a unified distribution strategy. This can be done with cloud-based hotel reservation software that integrates seamlessly with online and offline channels of sales. By diversifying your independent hotel’s exposure on a variety of sources, you can begin attracting a wider variety of guests and ensure that your booking process is smooth and error-free.

Hotelogix’s Unified Distribution System can boost room sales of your independent hotel