Role of IT in Revival of Hotel Industry

Well, you don’t have to be a general knowledge expert to be aware of the fact that travel industry took a big hit after the tragic events of 9/11. Understanding that it was necessary to take some serious steps to revive it, many organizations took innovative approaches for better management of internal operations, in the hope of increasing revenues.


While hotel businesses suffered serious setbacks and profits waned to a great extent, the situation wasn’t as bad as in the airline industry. However still, in an effort to revive and grow the hotel industry, big hotel chains began to make serious investments in their websites and online promotions and worked even harder to streamline their advertising and promotion related initiatives.


If we look closely, information technology has played a key role in the revival of hotel industry in the past half decade. IT professionals and creators of hotel technology platforms are the individuals who have been playing a significant, behind-the-scene role in ensuring smooth IT operations throughout the industry. While IT professionals work from remote locations in case of many small hotels, large hotel chains normally have dedicated IT departments. The on-site IT professionals are normally on the rolls of hotel and form an integral part of the hotel staff. Most of these professionals have a hospitality management background, along with an IT qualification, thereby by making them just the right kind of people for the job.


IT will continue to play a significant role in growth of hotel industry in times to come. Hotelogix is one such web based property management system that many IT Managers in hotels are turning to for ensuring smoother operation of their properties.