Opting for a one-stop solution for small hotels

Technology in the hospitality industry is moving in leaps and bounds. For a small and midsized hotel to be successful it is imperative that they invest in an all in one PMS solution.

A PMS with an integrated distribution solution is an indispensable tool for hoteliers. Systems like Hotelogix which provides a cloud based PMS not only streamlines the critical operations of a hotel but the integrated distribution system also enables the hotel to be visible in the global marketplace with real-time rates and inventories.
So how can a hotel benefit by investing in an all in one PMS solution?

1. Simplifies Front-desk management

A PMS can display an ‘up-to-the-minute’ status of your property. An effective PMS enables the front-desk to draw bookings directly, update them with a single click, manage check-ins and check-outs, update guests billings by linking it to the hotel’s various points of sales and much more. By taking away the burden of manually entering everything, the front desk staff can seamlessly take care of their guests. When a hotel has access to better systems, they are able to devote more time to their guests.

2. Sell on numerous platforms

PMS with an integrated distribution channel can allow a hotel to sell on numerous channels with real-time updates of their inventory and pricing. Hotels don’t need to constantly juggle and update their room inventory across numerous OTA’s, the PMS shall take care of it. This ensures that the hotel doesn’t over or double book.

3. Maintain rate parity and centralized rate control

Hotels cannot risk having different rates on various online channels. A one stop solution ensures room rates are evenly distributed all over the online marketplaces.

4. Manage guest reservations

Many OTAs offer free cancellations or options for guests to amend their bookings. If a hotel is operating on systems from different vendors, these amendments/cancellations create a lot of uncertainty – hotels may not receive relevant information. An integrated PMS and distribution system ensures that any and all changes are constantly updated so that a hotel is well informed on their available inventory and check ins/check outs.

5. Simplifies sharing of the hotel’s information

Even the disbursement of information across various marketplaces would be through a single point access. Hotels can manage their hotel info and images across numerous portals through a single point access. Everything just becomes so much simpler and accessible.

6. Detailed analysis

The reporting feature of a PMS allows a hotel to analyze how they can maximize their profits and reduce their costs. Hotels can see which marketplaces work for them, which seasons are more profitable, whether they are under pricing or over pricing their rooms etc.

7. Allows mobile accessibility

An all in one PMS can be accessed via any device, so the hotel’s owner or manager can access all the information from their mobile or tablet. They don’t need to be tied to a desk to get information about their properties, nor do they have to wait till the next day for reports to be generated.

8. Increases revenue per customer

An integrated PMS is a great tool for hotels to upsell their properties. Hotels can offer room packages for their properties via the numerous OTAs they would be selling from, or else guests can also add extras to the room while making their booking i.e. late check out, airport pick up, a spa reservation etc.

We have only mentioned some of the many benefits that an all in one PMS can offer to a small or midsized hotel. It’s basically very simple, a hotelier definitely wants his property to be profitable, therefore a hotel cannot afford to not have an all in one solution.