Are Legacy Property Management Systems Outdated?

As the industry grows, the legacy systems of yesterday shrink in the distance. Hotels drive forward, leaving the old, bulky systems in the dust. While the future of this rapidly changing industry is difficult to predict, the shift to more cloud-based, tech-driven management is here to stay. The ease and sophistication of these systems give management the time necessary to focus on creating the perfect stay for their guests.

Experts say that soon legacy systems will be reserved only for the outdated properties that are struggling to get by. The small to midsized market is very competitive and there is no room to fall behind. While switching to cloud PMS has stark advantages, it is inevitable that some properties will not make the switch.

Properties that will still be using legacy systems 10 years from now will be doing themselves a disservice. Property managers who think they cannot afford to switch to cloud PMS will see their labor costs rise as it takes more time to manually input information, while cloud users cut back. They will see systems failing and face high repair costs, or worse – lost information. Legacy users will see the cloud users surpass them and watch their guests shift as they move away from the unorganized, outdated, legacy users.

Cloud PMS will help small to midsize property owners spend their time managing the hotel, not the system. With cloud systems, all the functionalities are connected. This creates one centralized information center where the right arm can talk to the left. As years go by, there will be additions to cloud systems that further improve on their abilities and may even outshine them. Today, PMSs let you distribute globally to booking engines, tomorrow these cloud based systems might be able to do a lot more, opening up a pool of opportunities for your business.

Don’t let your property fall behind when it comes to implementing the latest technology. Make a smart decision to stay up-to-date with technology and cater to your guest’s needs.