[Infographic] Simple tips for independent hotels to heighten guest experience

Hospitality industry is known for providing exceptional guest experience. For your small independent hotel, losing a guest to your competitor would be a nightmare. Getting guest service right is not just about ensuring a decent night’s sleep, it starts even before the guest checks in, and remains even after departure.

If you provide superior service, you are sure to receive positive reviews, get recommended by your guests to others and ultimately turn your guests into recurrent guests. While the big brands might have multiple advantages like the location, brand, service; small hotels can increase their chances by focusing on ROE (Return on Experience) instead of ROI (Return on Investment).

Take a look at the infographic that shares easy-to-adapt tips to enhance guest experience.


Discover how you can get higher returns on experience throughout every stage of the guest life cycle from our recently launched e-book.

 Simple Ways to Enhance Guest Experience