How We Are Stepping Up And Supporting Our Employees, Customers And Community During COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has put every one of us in a very crucial phase — it is much more than a health crisis. Every region or country this virus has touched, is experiencing devastating social, economic and political crises. However, countries are doing their best to slow the spread of the disease — from testing and treating patients to carrying out contact tracing to limiting travel and enforcing lockdowns.

Talking about businesses, irrespective of industries, they have slowed down due to this ill-famed virus. And if we look at the hotel industry, there is a cascading effect. However, despite the losses in the industry, hotels are doing their best for their guests and employees — from making a preventive plan to taking strict measures that keep people physically separated, to stem the spread of COVID-19.

That’s not all, while there is news floating about the panic, there are also news and reports that show that the rate of patients who recovered from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is increasing. These positive changes, because of the reinforced measures by nations against the virus, prove that the pandemic will end.

Giving Back To The Community

Globally, there is a sense of uncertainty and people’s lives have been completely upended due to COVID-19. Various companies (both large and small) have gone to great lengths to better the lives of their employees, customers and the community at large until this difficult time passes.

For example, Microsoft continues to pay the hourly workers who support their campus; Google is allowing all its temporary staff and vendors, globally, to take paid sick leave. Their video conferencing service Hangouts Meet is available for all G-suite customers until July 1, 2020; Forbes8 hosted a free digital summit on ‘Business Resilience’; LinkedIn is giving out free learning courses; Apple is letting its retail staff take unlimited paid sick leaves; Amazon has announced to onboard 100,000 more workers and also giving a hike to existing staff. And several other companies have stepped up and are doing everything possible from their end.

It’s not just businesses, even musicians are hosting free online concerts for people isolated at home. The entire world has come together to help each other tackle this pandemic. And this shows us that the battle will soon be over.

How We At Hotelogix Are Doing Our Part For The Broader Community

Since the very get-go, Hotelogix has always focused on helping the hotel business grow and scale in the industry. Whether it’s about providing a system to manage your hotel, delivering content to help you understand the domain better or consult you on your business, we ensure that your hotel business is running smoothly.

And now while the novel coronavirus has affected hotels abysmally all around the world we have decided to extend our support.

In the last few weeks and days, we have moved fast and made decisions for the betterment of our employees, customers and community.

We at Hotelogix have mandated our staff to work from home in an attempt to socially distance people and reduce the spread of coronavirus.

When it comes to our customers, we have concisely created a business continuity plan. We have created an infrastructure which ensures that despite our employees working remotely, they are well connected and present round the clock as always — via online live support, email, video and teleconference, reducing any potential disruption to our customers’ business.

We are committed to supporting our customers and their business. We understand that their businesses may be facing challenges of their own, and that’s why our people are accessible and ready to help 24*7/365.

That’s not all, our team is also working day in and day out to reach out to our community and deliver content that helps them overcome this critical phase. Whether it’s a blog, or social media awareness or even a call with our hospitality specialist, we are not leaving any stone unturned to be the support system on this broader community.

At Hotelogix, it’s not just the product that helps hotel businesses scale, but the team of folks who are driven and are passionate towards this industry. We understand hotels and the challenges they face, and rest assured we are always here for you ready to support and sail through uncertain times together.

Bottom Line

Even though the panic is growing, there is a strong silver lining to all this that keeps us going. The world will eventually overcome this pandemic! That is inevitable! And when it does, there will be an inexorable boom in the hospitality business. All those people relegated to their homes for months would jump at the prospect of travel when it safely presents itself.

And when we would sincerely advise you to utilize this time to focus and prepare yourself for that inevitable boom. We have also, created blogs that would help you in that:

We firmly believe that helping and being of service to others is a positive way to counter the negativity swirling around and that’s why we are always on the go, looking around and considering how we can step up and support you.

If you are from the hotel industry and your hotel is struggling during this challenging time, do reach out to us at We would be more than happy to help you!