How to Pamper Your Hotel Guests: From pillows to billing!

What do you do when you want to take a break from the stress of a regular lifestyle? You jet set to another destination, to cool your nerves and treat yourself to a royal pampering. Yes, that is exactly what your guests look forward to while heading to your hotel. Hospitality business is coined by a term where caretaking is predominant and luxury care is primary focus.

From greeting your guests warmly on the first instant of their arrival to the second they depart; royalties, amenities and pampering is the requisite of the day. All hotels go to great lengths to pamper their guests but how exactly to bowl over your guests to leave them marveled?

– Feeling special

Everyone loves to feel special, so go ahead and make your guests feel wanted and worthy. Offer a basket of travel size options of exotic creams and perfumes that they can use and take home. Schedule a pick-up to receive your guest from their arrival terminus. Make sure the pampering begins even before your guests reach your front desk customer service.

– Clean and Welcoming

Guests feel most attracted to the cleanliest and tidy rooms which have a touch of freshness and aroma in the air. Your hotel rooms should recreate an experience devoid of stress and anxiety, work on an ambience that can project a relaxing atmosphere. Housekeeping is warranted as the one department, where any lax or promptness can be the game changer.

– Royal Beddings

Nothing beats stress like catching a few good winks. If you want guests to not miss their familial pillows and blankies, introduce them to the world of lush sleep-luxury. No more inferior beddings and board-stiff pillows if you want your guests to taste your lavish bedding.

– Legendary Service

When someone says ‘exemplary service’ you are inevitably reminded of Ritz-Carlton. Make sure your service attitude reflects on your mannerism, stance and customer management. Congenial approachability and assistance can turn around even the worst guests.

The hospitality industry revolves around customer satisfaction.  It is our hospitality industry that coined the phrase- ‘Customer is King’. Hence, know the pulse of your guests, pamper them rightfully and they would come back for more!

Hotels and luxury go hand in hand. But, certain hotels cannot afford to match the Ritz or Hilton in luxury at the disposal for all guests. Now you can invest more on pampering your guests and save on your property management system with a software solution that simplifies your working agenda. Cut cost by trying Hotelogix cloud PMS solution and invest more in refining your guest’s experience!