How to Outsmart Hotel Guests that Steal!

Hoteliers want their guests to feel at home when they are staying at their property, so they improvise rooms with amenities and features to make the experience as comfortable as possible. But, laying out all these pretty items at the disposal of the guest leaves any hotel vulnerable to those few guests who have sticky fingers. Many guests cannot resist the temptation to take the insignia items home with them as they check out. Automatically charging guests over missing items from the hotel rooms is a catch-22 situation, because there is no certain way of knowing if an employee or guest took the item, unless you have substantial proof to support your claims.

To prevent your hotel from becoming a target of guests with sticky fingers;

– Implement some anti-theft devices

 An increase in flat-screen television theft has popped up in hotels across the globe. Install an anti-theft alarm on items that is susceptible to theft, such as- artwork or computers. Small features like anti-theft hangers will help prevent thefts and keep costs down.

– Imprinting and immobile hotel utilities

Embossing or imprinting your hotel’s name on the frontal panel of electronics like televisions are a nice way to show you own it. But it may not dissuade very-determined thrifty guests. Ensure the electronic devices in the hotel room are firmly fixed on to the supporting surface with alarms that are set-off when tried to move.

– Gift some and lose less

Most guests end up picking up cutlery, robes and foot warmers as if they are complimentary gifts for their stay, which may not be the case in all hotels. The need to carry sovereigns for the memories and experiences made in your hotel is irrefutable at times. Hence, leaving your worthy guests a small bounty of sovereigns in form of imprinted cutlery, personalized pillow cases or framed picture of the vacationers taken on arrival, are some of the heartfelt compliments that can save and gain more, than losing lots over hotel theft.

– Warn and then fine

Hotels are notifying guests of the potential costs of items like bathrobes and slippers by placing placards on or near the item with the price or through an amenities catalog. Guests can then decide if they want to take the item or not; even know where they can buy it for their personal use if they truly covet it. Just like you would charge for any damages to the hotel room, you can charge for any missing items in the room. Some commonly charged items are bathrobes, artwork or iPod docks.

In most cases, small items like towels and pillows can be dismissed and easily replaced, but if replacements start racking up, you may incur more costs than you budgeted for. If the item is significant enough, be sure to notify the police. Be sure that the authorities can keep a look out for stolen items in pawn shops or on raids. Keeping a log of the bar code of the utilities will prepare you with all the necessary information if you run into this scenario.

Hotel theft is a sticky wicket especially when it comes to guests who take an instant liking to the hotel’s utilities and items. Implementing smart tabs on losing hotel property can go a long way to prevent losses and improving customer relationship. Hotelogix’s PMS enables you to earn the trust of your guests while you work towards installing a theft-proof strategy for your hotel premises!