How Sentiment Analysis Can Help Your Hotel Build A Strong Online Reputation

Sentiment Analysis Can Help Your Hotel Build Strong Online Reputation

You cannot deny the fact that guest reviews are one of the major factors that affect people’s bookings.

We are fairly sure, a huge number of people when go about booking a hotel stay, they scroll down to the review section and read what others have said about their experience.

If you are a hotel owner and still skeptical about the imperativeness of the guest reviews, let us tell you – it is one of the major driving forces that play a role in bringing you business.

People get highly influenced by others and if there are a significant amount of ‘not so good’ reviews about your hotel, you are likely to lose out on revenue. If you have not checked the reviews about your hotel yet, then it’s high time – pay sincere attention to what people are saying. It will help you understand whether you are keeping up with your customers’ expectations, and if you are lacking something, you can also go about working on it.

Furthermore, it is not just reviews, there is a sentimental quotient involved. And this is where Sentiment Analysis comes into the picture.

What Is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment Analysis which is also known as opinion mining is a text mining technique. It helps you detect likes, dislikes, emotions, and opinions and is often applied to social media, reviews, blogs, forum posts, chats, and similar sources.

Over the past couple of years, Sentiment Analysis has made a great impact on the hotel industry. Many hotels around the world are making its use to understand and learn the most about their customers. When a hotel incorporates Sentiment Analysis, it creates personas of their guests and it proves to be an effective asset for developing marketing strategies.

In this article, we are going to show you how Sentiment Analysis effectively helps you build a strong reputation.

Benefits Of Using Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis has proved to be extremely beneficial for hotels. When hoteliers pay special attention to reviews, they are able to identify sentimental reviews that require a response, which further allows them to make necessary and accurate adjustments to their hotel operations and guest experience. And when you respond to your guests and show them that their say matters by improving your operation, it helps you build a strong reputation.

Here are some of the benefits of sentiment analysis:

Monitor The Buzz

A major benefit of using Sentiment analysis in your hotel is that you can monitor the buzz on social media — who is saying what and what the buzz is all about. Opinion mining helps you identify several aspects of the social media buzz — whether it’s mentions of a brand or concept or it’s a brand hashtag.

Further, you can monitor the says and figure out how your promotional hashtags or slogans are working. There are instances when a promotional advertisement ends up delivering an unintentional wrong message; with sentiment analysis, you can figure out what actually went wrong.

Get Real-Time Insights

Another prime benefit of using Sentiment Analysis is the capability of analyzing and identifying critical issues in real-time. For example, if a ‘not so happy guest’ is about to churn, you can immediately identify the situation and find a way to solve it and take action right away.

Analyze Large Data

Understanding people’s emotions have become much more imperative than ever for businesses. However, since customers are able to express their thoughts and feelings more openly than ever before, the data is getting larger.

Sentiment Analysis can make it possible to process massive amounts of data in real-time. Also, when you process and analyze a larger amount of data, the more reliable, useful, and timely the insights are. Now analyze reviews about your product and discover if guests are happy about your hotel experience.

Improve Staff Performance

Hotels must be already doing a lot to improve staff performance, but the improvement process could get simply better and effective if hotels start to know where the staff lacked from its guests.

For example, guests write reviews online about some of the staff who did not deliver a great experience, you can analyze the reviews and fill the void by improving the most needed areas. Also, another example would be — a guest writes a review where he mentions about the exceptional service that staff has delivered. Wouldn’t it be great if you share that comment with your team and praise the staff? Obviously, Yes! This will keep your staff up and motivated to excel and deliver great guest experience.

Know The Intent

If you are receiving a lot of negative reviews, you might want to know exactly what the issue is. Also, there are instances when people who rouge on reviews and on social media without even personally experiencing. This is when Sentiment Analysis plays a role to help you detect language suggesting intent and sentiment-based actions like intent.

Know whether the person reviewing your hotel has ever stayed at your property. If not, what could be the reason for posting a negative review? This would help you maintain a reputation on the internet.


In today’s era, the number of online portals are just increasing, giving people the ability to openly share their experiences on the internet. And this same situation emphasises the need for hotels to equip Sentiment Analysis. The benefits of having sentiment analysis are prime and hotels making the best use of it are going to lead.