How PMS Mobile App can improve your hotel’s bottom-line

The growth of mobile technology has had widespread repercussions on hospitality, and continues to shape the future of the industry. While the benefits of these smartphone apps is exceedingly apparent from the guest’s perspective, back-end management apps are also beginning to play a critical role in hotel management today.

Let’s break things down in order to truly appreciate the extent to which management apps, like Hotelogix’s newly launched mobile PMS are making a difference:

1. Reduced expenses –

High costs can be extremely detrimental to a hotel’s bottom-line, especially during the off-peak season. A mobile management app drastically lowers the property’s need for as many conventional workstations – almost every member of the staff can be expected to carry a smartphone today. Not only does this save the business from high infrastructure costs, it also increases employability. The hotel is no longer restricted to hiring only experienced personnel, since these apps have a gentle learning curve and can be quickly understood by even non tech-savvy individuals.

2. Increased efficiency

Since the hotel’s employees are no longer restricted to managing operations on the workstation, they can carry out tasks from anywhere in or outside the property. For hotel owners in the 21st century, this is a valuable resource, enabling them to travel and foster alliances for their hotel without having to let their business out of their sight. Managers can also save guest preferences and toggle easily between agent, group and corporate bookings. Even tasks like night auditing can be performed via the app.

3. Enhanced experience –

With higher efficiency and a reduced workload on the hotel’s staff, guests can expect better service during their stay right from check in. Since Hotelogix’s mobile PMS recognizes IDs such as passport, driving license etc from over 80 countries, it imports guest information in seconds without any manual entry from either party. Moreover, guests do not have to wait in line to get to checked-in or out of the property, saving time for the staff while also improving the guest experience.

It’s about time that developers began focusing on management apps that make life simpler for the hospitality service providers as well as their guests. With the apps like Hotelogix’s, hoteliers finally have an opportunity to mechanize operations and focus on building a better brand – it’s no less than a PMS in your pocket!