How a Cloud PMS can help you win over competitors?

There is no doubt in the fact that, today,competition in hotel industry is fierce. Because of this increased competition in hospitality industry,it is becoming extremely important for hotel owners to not only entice potential guests to make a booking with them but also to offer guests with compelling reasons to keep returning to the property. In order to have a competitive advantage in hotel industry, a technologically advanced cloud hotel PMS is important. It offers insights on the competitive pricing strategy, how to respond to seasonal demand, etc.

In a competitive industry like hotels, technology plays a huge role in redefining the hotel business. The hoteliers who have switched to cloud hotel PMS technology have not really looked back.Hotel cloud PMS helps the hotels to maximise their profitability in several ways. To understand this in a more elaborate way, go through the following benefits of hotel PMS to stay ahead of competition:

Focus On Great Quality

It definitely pays off to consider quality over quantity. That why it is relevant for the hotel staff to satisfy their customers and increase the hotel’s competitive advantage in hotel industry. Guest engagement and delivering on guest requests is crucial in defining long-term guest loyalty.The best hotel cloud PMS can help to enhance the guest engagement and also improve the on and off property experience of your guests.

Guests can make request for spa services also and a hotel PMS helps in making this all happen. When the hotel delivers on guest expectations, pays attention to their feedback and is prompt to reply to their queries and concerns, guests automatically get attracted to the hotel and its services taking the hotel hugely ahead of its competitors.

This is why the hotel management system should be cloud-based to give unlimited access to the hoteliers from wherever and whenever they want, offering the guests prompt and easy solutions, products and services. Remember guests and travellers these days give more importance to what they experience, that is where the hotel PMS comes into action by curating the perfect stay and experience for its guests.

Cloud Hotel PMS ensures smooth communication & Reporting
It pays to treat each guest in your hotel like they are your only guest. Because even the guests know that the success of your hotel depends upon how satisfied they feel during the stay.A cloud hotel PMS enables your staff to answer all the guest questions easily, also access and collect guest data, their demands as well as their feedbacks. The cloud hotel PMS positively affects your revenue by giving you a competitive advantage in the hotel industry.

Go Digital- Go Competitive
Unlike traditional systems that made use of registers and pen, a cloud hotel property management system is great for hoteliers’ who want to be digitised, to keep up with growing demands of the customer. A modern hotel where everything is digital and all the departments have access to it anytime and anywhere, makes the hotel gain a competitive advantage in the hotel industry. With the travellers starting and ending their journey online this digital transformation is essential for hotel to stay competitive.

A cloud-based hotel PMS helps hoteliers to come out from behind their desks to process reservations or to answer the guests’ availability questions or to manage the hotel staff. With PMS based on cloud they do not even need to be in the hotel premises. When the hoteliers take their property management to the cloud, they save themselves a lot of time and money which in turn can be focused on their guests. Additionally putting the hotel ahead in competition and improving the overall experience of guests too.
This explains why many hoteliers are taking their property management to the cloud.

Cuts the IT costs

In the absence of cloud-based management systems, hotels had to invest a lot into obtaining the annual software license along with the hardware installations. The management software which is based on site and handled by the hotel’s IT team takes a lot of maintenance, man power and running costs from the hoteliers.

But now with the rise of cloud hotel PMS,hoteliers can save a significant part of their budget as the costs are flexible. This makes it possible for hotels with small budgets to run operations on an advanced cloud hotel PMS which are processed as a service (SaaS). Which doesn’t require any expensive servers to be installed as data is hosted on the cloud- the charges for which are borne by the PMS provider. When the investment is little and the revenues are high, your competitive advantage in the hotel industry remains unmatched.

Capture online bookings at much better rates with cloud hotel PMS
Hotel guests these days have a lot more choices than ever before when they book travel tickets and as well as their accommodations. That is why it becomes extremely urgent for hotels to integrate their property to a web booking portal, travel agents, GDS, to maximize distribution and also improve how they manage their room inventories.

When the hotel goes online or stays active on social media channels, more and more people view it when they are on the same platform. They read good reviews, guests can see the pictures of the property and also the services it has to offer. The hoteliers through effective online presence can definitely have a competitive edge over other hotels that are not so active and visible on social platforms.

A modern cloud hotel PMS is easy and convenient to learn and use. It saves money and also makes the hotel employee’s day-to-day work smoother & more efficient. Hotel competitor analysis is another thing that a cloud PMS can help you with, when it comes to understanding their pricing, etc. There are several other ways in which a cloud PMS can help you win over competition in the hotel industry.