Hotelogix shares 10 Facebook Engagements to make your business known

‘Facebooking’ is the new age tool to engage your readers, viewers, audiences and even customers these days. Facebook has become a global arena where the entire world now not only shares information but also made this an apt forum to knowledge-feed themselves and interacts to exchange business ideas. Networking in a hospitality business is a requisite medium to earn the maximum these days and hence grow.

Listed below are 10 crucial pointers that Hotelogix would like to share and help understand the latest trend in Facebook that would help you establish network in your business.

These pointers are created by series of thorough researches and latest statistical figures released from various news websites like Reuters, BBC, associated Press, etc.

  • When the picture speaks: Analyzing in a recent research, it is noted that Facebook page earn maximum number of likes in photos, than in videos followed by text. So more the number of photos more the page is to look lively. So upload as many pictures as you can about your property, surroundings, guests, etc to create the pictorial effect highlighting the timeline pictures on the wall. Also, taking them back in time when the brand was formed, a little history, mean no harm to any grey cells, in fact they will be interested to know about the background.

  • The latest trend, discussion: Initiating cool marketing trends and attention-grabbing topics on the wall are likely to draw more page views and likes on the page itself. So it is inevitable that we keep the page as much as interactive as possible. (Ex: talk about brand’s trends, guests, visitors, marketing activities, offers, etc.)

  • The time factor: The time or the situation when you post comment/photos/videos is also important. It is estimated by a recent survey that around 8PM more likes are likely to be received and around 6pm more shares on fb. Also, importance of any cultural festival/occasion/or industry figures’ birthday/death anniversaries likely to drag more viewers. Initiating discussions relating to these posts might bring the relevance in viewership and thus drag more attention.

  • When weekend means business: Posts published on Saturdays and Sundays tend to receive much more likes/shares/comments than business week. Meaning active participation on Social media through these important social networking sites is necessary 24*7.

  • Length matters: Posts that are either too short or too long tend to attract more and more people on the page. Medium posts appear to be mundane and do not attract viewer. So when you initiate a post on your fb page you should know what to speak and to what point.

  • Industry story is your boarding pass: Research also says human mind tend to get attracted to scoops and inside gossips. Throwing a little light on the industry insights/gossips/news or talking about the lifestyle of the property owner, CEO of the comapny and the members associated with the brand means no harm.
  • Human nature craves for variety: More the variety of topics and new innovative ways of engagement, more likely people will share/like your posts/pictures/comments.
  • Shower some love:Show some love to people who are liking/sharing/commenting on your posts. REPLY…!!! Do not be a snob in not replying a comment, people like being appreciated. Also keep commenting and sharing other people’s posts so that indirectly they get involved in your page as well. Sharing is caring, and this enhances the intensity of the interaction and with incessant interaction going on, information about your business never goes unheard.
  • The interaction rate: Try to figure out how many posts a day get you the best interaction rates. Usually brands are more effective with a small number of posts per day, like 2 or 5, while media brands are more effective with around 10 posts a day. So choose dexterously (A thought: Too much of posts might also irritate the people, so know the limit of your posts.)
  • The art of tagging/linking: Try to link the videos/ posts with other Social media pages like Twitter, linkedin, youtube and tag as much as people you can. Create an event on fb page and invite as much as people you want. In this page one can talk about the company offers and latest developments going on the company.

Facebook is the talk, if one has to enhance its networking capabilities. It is the new age obligatory tool that no one can ignore and hospitality industry has also nestled in this site.

When the trend speaks for itself