Hotelogix charmed the AAHOA members

The AAHOA Atlanta annual meet this year in May ushered Hotelogix to begin a new
venture with them and welcomed in the AAHOA family. AAHOA represents 40% of small and mid-sized properties in the United States. The AAHOA regional trade shows were held in five places across the States like Portland, Atlanta, Lexington, Chicago and Dallas.

During the event Hotelogix had an opportunity to talk and discuss in and out of the product with the AAHOA chairman, Mr. Alkesh Patel. Independent hotels were not using any technology or legacy technology that needed to be replaced with state of the art solution to help them be competitive and operationally efficient in the accelerating market.

Participation in the HITEC, Baltimore this year in June provided a forum to help Hotelogix co relate with AAHOA members and to present them a solution which seemed user-friendly and the same time cost effective. The objective was to present a very light-weight solution that can help the independent hotels to reach out that would help improve in the working efficiency. All of these needed to be implemented at a price-point and also generate higher revenues.

As Hotelogix is a cloud based solution, it requires minimum IT infrastructure and hence works well within the constraints of these independent hotels. Hotelogix came out with a price that would save the independent hotelier almost 70% of their existing cost that they incur for their online and provide additional services like booking engine and PMS tools. All of these come with personalized 24*7 live support.

With this value proposition, Hotelogix wanted to interface and socialize with the hoteliers closely and hence decided on participating in the regional conferences. Hotelogix got the opportunity to work closely with the independent hotel community and top level hotel executives at the same time. The response was encouraging/overwhelming. Hotelogix already has properties of AAHOA chairman, Mr. Alkesh Patel and independent hotelier, Mrs. Tina Patel, this shows Hotelogix already started bonding great from the inception.

Aditya Sanghi, CEO, Hotelogix says, “There are other independent members from AAHOA who have also signed up and we will be taking them live soon from Hotelogix. With the participation it helped us understand the pain-points of independent hotels and we could clearly see Hotelogix could provide them with a technology backbone/solution that can bring them at a level to compete.”