Hoteliers get social

Think that social media is just for personalities and kitschy companies? Think again. Social media’s far reaching capabilities are important for hotel managers and industry leaders to capitalize on as well. This marketing tool should be utilized to drive your bookings, create a brand and interact with customers.

Hotels with social media pages are able to achieve more direct bookings through the traffic they drive to their websites. In an era where hotels are feeling the pinch of OTA commissions, more direct bookings are a welcome addition. Creating a presence and personality will welcome guests and make them more familiar and comfortable with the hotel name.

Social media platforms like Twitter, Google+ and Facebook are a great way for hoteliers to manage their brand’s reputation. If an incident occurs or a guest has a complaint, the hotel can quickly address it and solve the issue. Other potential guests who see the interaction and appreciate the effort you put forth to resolve the issue will look at your brand in a favorable light. People want to know that their voice is heard when it comes to the products and services they are investing their money in. When you interact with customers, you personify the hotel and make guests feel more respected and appreciated.

Creating a social media account is simple. Just be sure that you properly manage it. Many hotels will place the social media responsibilities in the customer service department or into a marketing department. Wherever you assign the task, be sure that the platforms are monitored; updates made routinely and the best business practices are followed. Don’t half-heartedly start a social media campaign or you will end up falling flat or even hurting your brand.