The Changing Face of Hotel Technology and How Hotelogix Is Ahead of the Curve

The COVID-19 pandemic clearly demonstrated the need for seamless technology in the hospitality industry. Between masking, social distancing, the need for stepped-up hygiene and sanitization, and all the rest, things are beginning to change in terms of hotel guest technology, as well as technology for hotel staff. At Hotelogix, we’re positioned at the forefront of the industry and we’re intimately familiar with new technology in the hotel industry. As such, we wanted to share some of the insights we’ve gleaned from not just technological development, but also shifting perceptions on the part of travelers and even hoteliers. In this article, we’ll explore the latest in hotel technology and what it means for you.

Contactless Check-In and Check-Out

This particular trend should come as no surprise. It was already growing before the advent of COVID-19, and many high-end hotels were catering to guests that wanted this service through proprietary mobile apps that allowed them to check in remotely and go straight to their rooms, bypassing the front desk altogether.

Things have changed with the trend, but there’s still a shift toward contactless check-in and check-out. You can see this in many ways, including the ability to process payments online, and the other is coming from mobile apps that can run on smartphones and tablets. At Hotelogix, we’ve partnered with Xperium to make it possible for your guests to skip the front desk completely.

Of course, our mobile app also makes things simpler. For instance, front desk staff and property managers can use the app itself to handle many things that once required access to a computer installed at the front desk. This ensures productivity, while simultaneously decreasing the chance for person-to-person interaction (and subsequent infection).

It’s not just check-in, though. Contactless check-out is also a critical consideration because it allows your guests to skip standing in line to do little more than give their name and turn in their room keys. With Hotelogix and Xperium, guests can check out right from their mobile app and leave the room without having to stop at the front desk, thereby limiting person-to-person contact.

Keyless Room Entry

This is another type of touchless tech that’s been a long time coming. In fact, you can trace the evolution of the room key from old-style, metal keys on keyrings to room cards to smartphone apps. Today, guests no longer need to use a key and they no longer even need to turn the door handle to enter the room.

Here’s how it works. With a mobile app, your guests will check in through a remote front desk. The front desk staff will assign a room and keycode. Then, the guest only needs to use their smartphone to unlock the door. In some cases, the door will automatically unlatch, too, allowing the guest to simply push it open rather than using the door handle.

Contactless Front Desk Training through Hotelogix ACE

It’s not just guests that touchless tech benefits. It can also improve the lives of hotel employees. For instance, with Hotelogix, you can provide contactless front desk training through our A.C.E, or automated coaching engine. This also ties in with other emerging trends not specific to the hotel industry, such as a greater focus on employee development and improved training in the workplace.

How does A.C.E work? It’s simple. The engine is tied into our cloud-based system and provides the ability for your employees to train and learn anytime, anywhere. All they need is a mobile device and our app. They can log in, complete their training, and build their skills and knowledge base without even having to be at the front desk (or the hotel, for that matter). It’s that simple.

Contactless Payments

By now, you should be seeing a trend with modern hotel guest technology. Touchless tech is the rule, rather than the exception, and that applies to how and when guests pay for their rooms, too. In the past, guests were only able to use their credit cards to reserve the room and were then required to stand in line at the front desk, present their card, and make payment in person.

COVID-19 did away with that, and we are happy to say goodbye to the practice. Contactless payment is so much simpler and it lowers barriers for your guests, too. It’s so much simpler to allow your guests to book and then pay for their rooms via the Internet right through your website!

With Hotelogix software and payment gateway, you can also offer customized bundles, unique combo offers, and other purchase options to help personalize the guest’s experience. They’re able to pay for all of them remotely, without ever needing to hand a front desk employee their card or stand in line.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (or IoT if you prefer) has made inroads into consumer homes and businesses around the world. You can find it exemplified in the hotel industry in several ways, including the remotely adjusted thermostats that can be set to automatically adjust after check-out or check-in, as well as lights that automatically dim during daylight hours.

As IoT technology improves and more and more consumers become familiar with it, you can probably look for other potential integrations. For instance, smart assistants like Alexa and Siri may make their hospitality industry debut and offer guests the chance to order room service, an on-demand movie, or set an appointment for the spa all with their voice.

Hotelogix Software: Future Proofing Your Property

Touchless tech is just one of the ways that hotel guest technology is changing. It’s not just guest-facing technology, either. Hotels can benefit from solutions like the Hotelogix PMS, which offers a comprehensive suite of digital property management tools, delivers critical automation, and can help boost revenue.

With the right partner, you can stay ahead of the curve. At Hotelogix, we’re ready for whatever the future might bring to the industry. Our dedication to innovation and developing features and capabilities to address emerging needs ensures that our clients will never need to worry about being left behind.

Ready to future-proof your property? It’s as simple as signing up for a free trial of Hotelogix software. From B&Bs to traditional hotels, we deliver the tools and features you need to compete in the modern hospitality industry.