Is your hotel ready for the digital detoxers?

In recent years technology and technological upgrades have been a big part of the hotel’s business plan. Hotels want to offer hi-speed wi-fi, tech-savvy rooms, check in kiosks, robotic butlers and much more to their millennial traveler so that the guests can always be digitally connected.

But what about the guests who want a digital detox? What are their options? Yes you heard it right, a digital detox. With the constant pressure of always being ‘connected’ and accessible via their Smartphones, laptops, mobiles etc., sometime a traveler just wants to go completely off the digital grid.

UK adults spend nearly 8 hours 41 minutes a day on screens, the average employee in the US checks 40 websites a day, switching activities 37 times an hour, changing tasks every two minutes. This can be extremely overwhelming.  Sometimes a guest just wants to be away from their phones and gadgets and enjoy a holiday where they can relax, enjoy the ambiance around them or enjoy quality time with their family.

Travel companies are cashing in on this and are offering technology free tours and hotels for the guests looking for a digital detox. has taken it a step further; they offer holiday packages across the globe with varied levels of detox options as per the guests preferences – completely tech-free and highly disconnected.

So what can hotels do to cater to this segment of travelers? Hotels need to look at creating varied experiences and activities for the guests which can occupy their stay at the property and help them engage themselves without growing restless.

Hotels can look at offering

  • Outdoor activities
  • Excursions in and around the city
  • Meditation and Yoga
  • A games room where the guests can gather and converse or play some games like pool, board game, table tennis etc.
  • Library
  • Spa packages
  • Local hobby or culinary activities.

Hotels should ensure that they have a varied option of activities so that a guest can have choices available based on their preferences. The more the options the more attractive it would be for a guest to choose their property.

These activities are also great revenue generators for a hotel and can be sold in the form of packages to families, corporate groups and more.

Let us know what digital detox activity you have added at your property and how have the guests responded to it?