Have you tried TripConnect Instant Booking with Hotelogix?

Hotelogix has collaborated with TripAdvisor to offer TripConnect Instant Booking to its independent hotel clients through its PMS. The feature eases the traveler’s hotel booking process and also gives hoteliers a chance to boost direct bookings. It lets potential guests directly book without leaving the TripAdvisor site. Instant Booking works on a commission based model which turns out to be cheaper than OTAs.

A single click on the ‘Book on TripAdvisor’ button allows the travelers to complete the bookings in matter of minutes. There is an official hotel icon displayed to the travelers during the booking process which indicates that the booking is happening directly with the hotel. Once the booking is completed, the information (traveler and payment details) is sent to the hotel. The booking process is device compatible so it works on desktop, tablet and mobile platforms. The feature accommodates 25 languages and global currencies.

Hotels can choose their commission based models

As mentioned above, the Instant Booking runs on a commission based model where hotels can choose either 12% or 15% commission model. On choosing 12%, the hotel receives one of every 4 traveler views. On choosing 15%, the hotel gets half of all traveler views. One thing to be noted is that hotels should maintain rate parity with all their distribution partners.

Don’t pay for the booking, pay for the stays

Instant Booking is beneficial for independent hoteliers because you pay TripAdvisor only after your guest has completed his stay. There is a transparency maintained with this feature that lets the independent hoteliers control the guest relationship.

Benefits of integration with Hotelogix

Independent hotel clients of Hotelogix can sign up for the Instant Booking to avail of the benefits while taking complete control of rates and inventories displayed on TripAdvisor in real-time. The bookings made on TripAdvisor get automatically displayed on the hotel’s front desk which allows hoteliers to easily track and follow up the booking. With 3 simple steps, Hotelogix users can get started with Instant Booking:

– Signup with TripAdvisor to activate Instant Booking Campaign

– Configure the rates on Hotelogix that you would like to showcase on TripAdvisor

– Set up credit card types to receive payment details and to avoid frauds

How it works

TripAdvisor works with Hotelogix and displays the room rates alongside the ‘Book on TripAdvisor’ button. The guests can directly book and complete their transaction on TripAdvisor. Once the booking is complete, the information is passed on to the hotel through Hotelogix. The booking instantly shows up on the front desk and all the rates can be managed and updated from the admin console. Hotelogix sends out a booking confirmation email to the guest in order to personalize the guest experience. Hoteliers can also easily track the performance of Instant Booking.

Bookings and cancellations are easy to manage with Hotelogix

The bookings received from TripAdvisor get created as ‘TripAdvisor Travel Agent Booking’ on the hotel’s front desk. There are no chances of errors as the process is completely automated.

Guests can make cancellations on the TripAdvisor console which automatically gets updated on Hotelogix. The guest and hotel receive the cancellation email from TripAdvisor.

Tips to increase conversion rates on Instant Booking

In order to drive in high conversions and bookings via Instant Booking, we share a few simple tips:

– Describe your hotel well: Providing detailed and attractive description about your hotel, amenities, services and nearby attractions would help your guests finalize your hotels over others. Always remember to provide the right kind of information without overloading your guests with unnecessary details

– Focus on your room name: Keep your hotel’s room and package names concise as these details are the first that your guests look at and based on that they make their choices

– Upsell your services: If you have some exclusive services that help differentiate you from your competitors then use those to upsell and sell your property

– Maintain transparency about your policies: Include payment policies, hotel policies and other important details for your guests to avoid any unexpected surprises

With Instant Booking, you can provide your potential guests the convenience to book directly on their most preferred and trusted website. Since the travelers prefer TripAdvisor for reviews and hotel research, you can convert them into bookers there itself.

Learn more about Hotelogix offering TripConnect Instant Booking