Getting that Technological Edge with Hotelogix

For a property management system to penetrate well into the market, it should have the essential features like easy integration, centralization, accessibility, security and scalability. Hotelogix is one such PMS that has been developed with the active involvement of people having considerable experience in the hospitality industry. Their experience combined with the expertise of seasoned IT experts has resulted in a perfect solution capable of delivering effective results in all mid-size and small-size hotel environments. So, whether you’re a resort, a hotel, a countryside inn or a bed and breakfast facility, Hotelogix is meant exactly for you.


Being a web-based system, all of the features of Hotelogix are incorporated in a single online system. This rules out the requirement of any additional expenditure on software or hardware for its efficient functioning. Hotelogix is quite unique in comparison to other property management systems available in the market because of its technological features, both at low and high levels. Now let’s throw some light on the key traits of Hotelogix:


Easy Integration – Hotelogix is a comprehensive solution capable of automating all the mission-critical operations in your hospitality business. It smoothly integrates Housekeeping, Reservation, Restaurant, Spa, Front Desk and other POS (Point of Sale) workstations spread across different geographical locations and even your business website on a single platform.


Accessibility – With Hotelogix, you’ll be in complete control of your hospitality business from any remote location in the world. All you’ll need is a basic internet connection to log into the property management system and you’ll then be able to view reports or carry out other managerial tasks such as checking reservation status, leaving instructions for the staff, assigning fresh tasks etc. with ease. Very soon, there’ll be a mobile version of Hotelogix available as well, which will enable you to carry out all these tasks while on the move!


Centralization – Since Hotelogix is a web-based application, it features a single point of data entry system wherein any input into the system is updated instantly and is visible across all geographical locations. For instance, if you enter some new data at a terminal located in London, the update will be visible at New York, Venice and all other locations almost instantly. The changes/additions will be visible to anyone from anywhere in the world, provided s/he has authorization to access the system.


Security – Hotelogix scores above its counterparts not only in its ability to facilitate simple management due to ease of use, but also in its capacity to provide peace of mind to its users. Data security is treated with utmost importance in Hotelogix and all your critical business data is backed up on a mirror server regularly. Further, all transaction processing carried out on the system is protected and secured by validated authorities.


Scalability – Hotelogix is gem of an application when it comes to expansion of your business. It is easily scalable and can support multiple properties on its unified, central platform. In the event of addition of more resorts or hotels to your business, you’ll easily be able add them to your existing properties in Hotelogix as well. You can even remove any properties if you may want from the Hotelogix system. All this is possible without any sort of hidden cost and in a matter of few clicks only.