Friday the 13th: Fear of the date? Take a chill-pill

Does Friday the 13, freak you out? Fear of this day has spread worldwide; hence we decided to lighten up your mood and recall famous Hollywood movies that were shot in famous hotels of scenic locations.

A walk down memory lane

Hollywood has always had a soft corner for hotels so in honor of this day; we decided to recall a few movies that have left an impact in our minds. Whether it is a thriller like Psycho or a romantic movie like Pretty Woman, these movies have captured our hearts or have kept us on the edge of our seats.

Hotels have played a pivotal role in these movies as the movies have been shot in these hotels, where the famous stars resided. Let’s take a look:

 Psycho in The Stanley Hotel: Everyone remembers Norman Bates, the guy who played the main lead in the movie. The Bates Motel is the location for one of the most quintessential moments in the movie history as everyone remembers the spine chilling shower scene. Did you know rumors of haunting still exist in the hotel?

 Casino Royale in Splendide Hotel: Daniel Craig’s first movie in 007 series was shot in Splendide Hotel which showcased the neo-classical 16 century look unlike the original novel Casino Royale that described the hotel as a place that exudes luxury. The hotel boasts of rich cinematic history and hosts at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival every year.

The Bourne Supremacy in the Westin Grand: Westin Grand, situated in Berlin, played a pivotal role in Jason Bourne’s, one of the most, classic movies. The hotel boasts of the famous grand staircase that Bourne used to escape in the film.

 Pretty Woman in Beverly Wilshere: Remember the luxurious presidential room where Vivian and Edward stayed? The hotel and the movie have left an impression in our minds and will continue to be remembered by the fans for years to come. The hotel has also hosted Elvis Presley and John Lennin over the years.

Dirty Dancing in Lake Lure Inn: The cast and crew stayed in the historic Lake Lure Inn during the filming of this movie. The movie still lingers in our hearts and the highlight is that the guests can enjoy a honeymoon in Patrick Swayze’s suite.

 There may be many superstitions attached to today’s date but one should not go by what others say. The best way to move ahead of this date is by remembering historic movies that were shot in the famous hotels across globe. Since the weekend fever has already kicked in, select a movie from the above list and reprise the days instead fearing the date.

 Hotelogix wishes you a happy weekend!