Every Cloud Computing Offering is Not Meant for Hotel Business!

Though the utility of using Cloud computing is being increasingly understood by property owners, there is some confusion as to how they can maximize their profits by using Cloud computing solutions.

Many hospitality businesses confuse Cloud data storage service-providers with Hotel Property Management Software providers. The confusion is due to lack of clarity as to how just being “on the Cloud” differs from using a system that is specifically catered towards the hospitality sector.

Hospitality Businesses Need Cloud-based PMS & Not Just “being on the Cloud”

The biggest names in the web niche like Google and Amazon also offer Cloud services. Here, the Cloud is offered in the free and paid format. For instance, Google offers Google Docs, free-of-charge but Google Apps for businesses is a paid Cloud-computing offering. Similarly, Microsoft offers Azure, while Amazon offers the EC2 and A3.

Though these Cloud solutions are quite useful, they don’t address the typical demands of running a hotel.

For instance, a hotel-specific, Cloud Based Hotel Management System like Hotelogix, helps to centralize all Front Desk operations. It allows you to create dedicated consoles for marketing and incorporates automated functionalists for calculating travel agent commissions!

In comparison, a general Cloud computing format allows you to merely store your data and create some personalized tools. For example, buying space on the Amazon A3 Cloud network is easy. It is popular for its Cloud storage capacity and computing capability. However, its usage is more applicable to software/application developers.People with basic IT skills are incapable of understanding and using the wide variety of tech tools this Cloud space offers.

Similarly, Google Docs allow you to save massive amounts of data for free. However, it doesn’t offer the features of a Cloud Based Hotel PMS. A hotel owner using either of these Cloud-computing solutions would find very little in terms of streamlining and managing his daily, hoteliering operations.

In comparison, a Cloud-enabled PMS like Hotelogix helps hotels to market their rooms across international booking channels like GDS, IDS and on popular travel portals.

Digging Deeper into How Cloud Computing is Applicable to Hotels

The ideal solution lies in combining the most useful features of the Cloud (A) with Hotel-centric sensibilities (B). These have been explained below:

A. Cloud Computing Advantages

  • Unlimited Data Capability—you have access to unlimited data storage and retrieval, i.e. the Cloud is like an unrestricted, online resource.
  • Unbiased towards Size of Business—you might own a 4-room vocation rental or a premium city hotel, the Cloud doesn’t discriminate.
  • Overheads Reduction—no need to own hardware, software or get technical training to use a Cloud-based system.

B. Hotel Business Sensibilities

  • Making Housekeeping functions easier.
  • Providing instant updates regarding Room Status/Availability.
  • Ease of managing Reservations, Cancellations, Over-Booking.
  • Provision of automated features for Inventory Management.
  • Centralized Room Booking/Reservation allowing easier Group Bookings.
  • Effortlessly create Multiple Point of Sales including Bar, Restaurant, Room Service etc.

A system that can combine Cloud computing advantages with hotel-specific requirements qualifies as a capable Cloud Based Hotel Property Management Software—this is exactly what any hospitality sector business needs!

A worthy example of this is the Hotelogix PMS. It has emerged as a remarkable blend of Cloud-enabled PMS where Amazon’s hosting services are combined with exclusive features like an in-built Web Booking Engine.

What You Might Not Know: a Hotel PMS Multiplies the Cloud’s Advantages

Ensuring security of data is among the top priorities for any Cloud computing provider. A smart hotel management software understands this fact and uses it to provide additional security features to the client. For example, the Hotelogix Cloud-based Hotel System uses multiple layers of security features to ensure that the inherent safety of the Cloud is further enhanced. This includes use of mirror servers, firewall protection and hourly data back-ups.

Concluding Thoughts

If you are a hotel business-owner/manager, read the features offered by a Cloud service and a Cloud-based Hotel Management System to understand how they differ. Both these offerings are very useful, but the latter, offers exactly what a hotel business requires.

We would recommend you to read about the multiple benefits of using a Cloud based Hotel PMS on: http://hotelogix.com/business-advantage.php