Enchant Your Hotel Guests with Delights & Surprises

Many of us take to a specific brand for not merely any specific reason but because the brand makes us feel ‘special’. How far are hoteliers going to make their guests feel special?

Guests visiting a hotel for business or pleasure and getting small delights can help in earning your hotel a favorable review and recommendation. If the hotel’s management bears in mind the guest’s special needs and events, and arranges delights and surprises, it can bring a smile to even the most uptight hotel guests.

Hotel management teams are now turning to enchanting their hotel guests with noteworthy surprises. These little charmers have wooed guests to great lengths. Once you satisfy a guest, you earn the guest’s loyalty.

How hotel managers can delight their guests:

1.       Bear in mind their likes and needs

There have been unbelievable tales of hotel hospitality wherein guests have surprised newly-weds with free mementoes and gift cards. If the guest has a preference for a certain brand of tea, make that readily available and give him a free gift pack or a guest who is a chocoholic can be pleased by placing a chocolate pack on the pillow. Understand the guest’s personality and likes and recreate a memorable experience, tailor made to charm each guest as per their own taste and choice.

2.       Make it unique and exclusive

Hoteliers need to differentiate between freebies and exclusive surprises. For example, a hotel chain earned praise for surprising their privileged and loyal hotel guest on the day of his retirement. Make a special effort to go through the birthday and anniversary details of your guests and send across a bouquet and an email with discount vouchers and packages. Hoteliers need to pay attention to the finer details, if they want to hear the applause!

3.       Be exceptional

Customer satisfaction is pivotal but there is a difference between luring and charming. Freebies and gift cards are luring delights but paying attention to a guest’s unique request and desire is ‘charming’. Hotel management should know the difference of how and when to appeal, lure and charm their guests. Use your guest’s name while addressing, and help with the maps and places to see without them asking for it. Follow up with guests to ensure that their stay was pleasurable.

It is pointless to go all-out to woo hotel guests with extravagant delights and surprises when the hotel infrastructure and management is not noteworthy and far from exclamatory. Delights and surprises should bring a smile on your satisfied customer, than be used as cheat treats to fool hotel guests. Remember hotel guests have the magic wand of connectivity so think before you try to hoodwink them!

An articulate hotel management knows its loyal customers and knows how best to serve them. Delights and surprises are another feather in the cap of their esteemed hotel service. With various hotel management software made available, customer information is available at every hotelier’s reach and this enables them to take important insights and create exemplary experiences.