Boost Profitability With The Help Of A Powerful Hotel Distribution Channel

Every hotel possesses its own distribution channel mix. Since all hotels have their own business requirements and goals, for them to generate more quality leads, enhance their revenue earning capabilities and experience an increased rate of interest or ROI, it is important to boost their profitability through a powerful distribution channel mix. This can be done effectively with the help of a hotel booking channel management. But for this, it is essential that you conduct proper hotel distribution channel analysis.

To efficiently plan the hotel distribution channel strategy, let’s take a look at the ways to boost your hotel distribution channel mix that will offer your hotel business a consistent inflow of guests who are delighted.

Make Use Of The Unlimited Scope Of Hotel PMS

Another thing that is very important for hoteliers is to make sure that the PMS is properly integrated with the hotel channel manager. This integration will help you easily manage the availability of rooms in real-time, thus saving you from the risk of overbooking. Doing this will also assist you in seamlessly managing the inventory, room rates throughout various OTAs, from a single dashboard.

The PMS will ensure that the hoteliers are aware of the performance of each and every channel – both in terms of profitability and productivity.

Partner With The Best OTAs To Attract Your Target Guests Mix

At present, the number of people using OTA as a prime source for hotel reservation is huge. Meaning, it is important for hotels to partner with the best OTAs if they want to be seen to a much greater number of target guests. How to do that? Do an in-depth research on all the OTAs that are available and which OTAs fits your hotel best. Also, make sure that the OTAs are well known and find out the reasons for their popularity and why they are able to attract travellers. After completing the research, partner with the ones that are more likely to bring you profitable outcomes. And this is where integration of your Hotel PMS and Channel Manager comes into the scenario. It would help you update your room inventory and rates in real-time.

Furthermore, try to connect with metasearch sites like TripAdvisor as well. This would not only let your guests review your hotel but would also drive a significant number of bookings. However, if your hotel does not deliver better guest experiences and the reviews are bad, chances of getting reservations would drop. So, at the end of the day, it all boils down to deliver what you preach.

A Website Booking Engine Plays A Vital Role As Well

Just like OTAs, direct channels like the hotel website also plays a vital role in driving reservations. No doubt, OTAs help you to generate a great number of leads but there are many travellers who would still visit your website to get information regarding your hotel and may book directly on the site.

OTAs might remain a leading source when it comes to reservations, but your hotel website can also do good. You can try offering things like discounted/complimentary spa service,drinks,flexible cancellations, email newsletter subscription about promotions etc.

Don’t Underestimate Offline Distribution Channels In Hospitality Industry

Although travellers these days hardly book their accommodation offline, that doesn’t imply that you should completely ignore your offline distribution channels in hospitality industry.

If you have people visiting your property in order to make a reservation, then you should consider this as a great opportunity to leave your mark and create the best impression on them. This will also help you to build a strong relationship with your guests. When you offer top quality service to your guests this will automatically lead to a compelling and a good word-of-mouth which will ultimately help you in getting referrals resulting in more room bookings.

Never forget about the wholesalers as well as the tour operators. They are the ones who can help in attracting more guests to your property. They are also very important distribution channels in the hotel industry.

Let’s also not forget that many people may still prefer to give you a call, which means they are looking for polite and best customer service from your call operators.

Keep offering special promotions and rates while focusing on the limitless scope of digital marketing through social media and email campaigns.

It is very crucial to remember that boosting profitability through your powerful distribution channel mix isn’t a one time job. You should consider it as an ongoing practice, because of the fact that the market is constantly fluctuating and business opportunities are changing. So keep improving by following the tips we gave you !!

Do proper hotel distribution channel analysis to boost your profitability and take your hotel to new heights where guests feel delighted and happy and book your property over and over again.

Hotelogix is one such platform help you with just that. Whether it’s about updating room inventory and on OTAs, working with leading GDSs, selling more rooms via your hotel website, Hotelogix along with its hotel online distribution channel management strategy does it all.