Blocking Problems of Room Inventories for small Properties

30 room hotel, one front office manager, holiday season, juggling room inventory on various distribution channels, group check in, call for reservation for a particular date, remove room inventory from distribution channel on said date, guest waiting for check out ……..

Result: chaos and severe burn out!

One of the biggest and recurring problems for a small sized property is in managing the blocking of their room inventories.  Their front office managers are continuously juggling their inventories between various distribution channels such as hotel website, travel portals, etc and at the same time trying to manage the regular operations.  Many times the outcome could be multiple bookings without having the inventory available or worse missing out on bookings because the inventory was tied up in one distribution channel whereas a customer wanted rooms in another booking website.

The good news is, there is an extremely simple and practical solution to all these issues. A solution that not only solves the above mentioned problems but even simplifies other property management functioning.

The answer here is a unified distribution system that centralizes room inventories.

GDS, IDS, Travel agents, corporate bookings, hotel websites, etc can all be managed through one system and that too in real time. A system which is easy to adapt and simple to use and supports all major Sales Distribution networks and channels for your hotels inventory.

But what kind of systems are these?

The best system for a small sized property would be a comprehensive cloud based hotel management software. A cloud based PMS that has complete distribution capability is ideal. It eliminates the problems regarding blocking of room inventories and can also seamlessly integrate ReservationsFront DeskHousekeepingSpaPOS terminalsmulti-location marketing offices, and travel agents on a unified platform.

So basically now the same front office manager can manage all room bookings, room inventories, check out, check ins, as well as make reports and so much more, from a single web based system.

Isn’t it time to check-in to cloud and check-out of legacy?