Automate Operations and Improve Guest Response for Small Independent Hotels

Are the daily operations for your hotel still done manually or via an on-premise system? Are guest requests uploaded in an Excel sheet or are they written down in a ledger for follow-ups? Are you spending too many precious hours keeping a close watch on the updates of the bookings, cancellations, check-in, check-outs and so on? If the answers to all these questions are in the affirmative, then you need to think again’.

Spending an endless amount of time on these tasks will not only exhaust your team members, but will also mean less time spent on important duties. You can avoid unnecessary wastage of time with easy-to-use and cost-effective solutions available in the market.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Hotel Management Software

Cloud-based hotel management software are extremely easy to use, easy to implement, and affordable. These will help you to optimize the efficiency of your staff. Your staff can focus on the most important aspect of your hotels – your guests. By switching to cloud Hotel Management Software, small and independent hotels can completely automate its operations and enhance guest experience.

Top four reasons why hotels need an automated operations software

Do more with less capex:

On-premise hotel management software require heavy investment in hardware, software licenses, servers and IT infrastructure. On the contrary, a cloud-based hotel management software requires a basic Internet connection and can be accessed via the current workstations or smartphones that are in use. There is no extra capital investment. A cloud-based system also doesn’t require an additional IT team to monitor the servers or hardware. The hotel saves up on any upgrade costs since all product upgrades would be done automatically online and the benefit is passed onto the customer. The on-premise model increases the cost for maintenance and upgrades and this can become prohibitive for a small or mid-sized hotel.

Access anytime, anywhere:

Smaller hotels often have a single point of contact for multiple tasks as the manpower is limited. An automated hotel operations system changes the whole process in the way hotels are run. The biggest plus is that, the hotel operations can be done from any location (and from any device is a big plus!). There’s no need to be physically present before your front desk workstation or with your ledger to mull over your tasks and to-do lists.

Improve guest interactions:

Repeat customers are only possible if you offer an enhanced guest experience. The process of follow-ups, sending emails to guests and managing little tasks can be a tedious process.The ease of having an automated guest response survey makes it easy to communicate with guests. The system makes it easy to send automated emails once the booking details are received. Guests can be asked about special requests and preferences and the same can be updated on the hotel management software. Once a guest check-out happens, an automated email can be sent requesting feedback about their stay. Personalized features such as these can can go a long way to build a strong relation with your customers and enhance the guest experience

It’s flexible:

Cloud-based hotel operations system allow you to pay-as-you-go. The subscription plans are flexible and come without overhead costs. You can opt for a free trial which helps minimize doubts and understand the system to gauge if this can work for your property.

These are some of the many reasons why you, as an hotelier, must switch to a cloud-based hotel automation system. Automated systems bring down the costs, gives you a faster return on investment (ROI), optimizes the efficiency of your staff, allows them to multitask, increasing the opportunity to interact better with your guests. It eliminates the headache of manual errors that may happen due to over bookings, cancellations, incorrect transfer of information and more.