Apartments need managers too

Although the hotel industry is a booming business having a wide reach, the more permanent residents of apartments and rentals need a little attention as well. The building and rooms of these apartments may be the picture of elegance, but if the property is not managed appropriately the chance of the business nose diving is rather high.

Property management systems are not exclusive to hotels and bed and breakfasts. While there are many characteristics of property management systems (PMS) that are beneficial to the hospitality industry, several apartments and rental properties can also benefit from the wide range of functions, thereby easing the responsibilities of management.

PMS works wonders for apartment and residential property owners;

  1. Apartment buildings and complexes need to manage their properties as well, and property management systems can help to streamline the efficiency of their process.
  2. Though the business model is different; apartment complexes whether they are rentals or owned require maintenance logs, resident information stored, or room information for advertising open spots.
  3. Landlords can more effectively track apartment rental availability, occupancy rates and turnover rates of their buildings.
  4. Owners can also store all their information on residents, the rentals themselves and additional amenities like parking.
  5. If a landlord is having difficulties trying to find the organization necessary to run a successful and respectable rental business he can opt for PMS, to remotely control and handle his property.
  6. Leases can be easily managed, and landlords can adjust rent as necessary, all in one platform.

With a centralized property management system, managing multiple apartments has never been easier. If landlords follow the trend in PMS they will be able to skip the extravagant IT setup and begin using the software from a cloud base, with nothing more than the basic computer and internet connection that is currently in place.

While the hotel industry may have taken a liking to the PMS software; rentals and apartment complexes can still get the same amount of functionality. Landlords will be able to broaden their reach, provide better service, lower costs and even find some peace of mind while keeping residents happy. Hotelogix’s PMS solves several headaches that apartment owners face when handling multiple properties. The ability to remotely access, monitor and efficiently handle multiple-properties is one of the many qualities of Hotelogix’s cloud based PMS!