A Heartfelt Tribute to Hoteliers

The hotel industry has been credited for being one of the best industries in the world which contributes enormously to the global GDP. The hoteliers are uncompromising professionals who put their guests ahead of themselves to make them feel special during their stay.

Here’s looking at the contribution hotels make for which they deserve a hats off:

Contribution to Economy

The hotel industry is one of the fastest growing fields in the service industry because it caters to the people who are looking for a home away from their homes. The industry has contributed largely to the global economy by providing services ranging from accommodation, sightseeing and food. The main part of contribution is towards the economic returns of a country in the form of foreign exchange. According to a report from World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), it is seen that travel and tourism has become the leading economic contributor to the economies like gross output, capital investment, employment & tax contributions.

Contribution to Employment

Did you know? The travel and tourism industry currently employs more than 255 million people around the globe and according to a survey, it will create 73 million jobs by 2022.


The hotel industry is one of the biggest employers in the world since people obtain jobs in various departments like housekeeping, administration, HR, managers and other staff levels. Hotel jobs are good as they provide high wages, various benefits and opportunities to advance quickly into a full-fledged career.

Provide ‘Homely’ Atmosphere

Hotel industry runs on the principles of ‘Guest is God’ with the aim to provide more than just a place to seek shelter.

Hoteliers offer guests an experience that is both emotionally and physically far better than their daily lives.

Provide A Platform to Local People/Culture

Many hotels support local artisans by providing them space in the hotel to display the artists’ works or showcase their culture. Hotels build a platform for the local community to seek jobs and make some extra income apart from their normal, for a better living. The local community benefits from the guests who are staying at the hotel by getting an opportunity to reach out to a broader audience, from every culture and background.

Hotelogix salutes the efforts made by the hoteliers as you make guests feel at home, contribute to the economy, support local culture and provide employment opportunities to all.

Let us know what makes you feel proud as a hotelier. Participate in our ‘7 Wonders’ Contest to win free cloud PMS for 3 years and a 3 nights’ hotel stay.