80 Systems and counting – Hotelogix is marking the end for legacy hotel software!

Replacing a legacy system is no small feat. Hoteliers invest thousands of dollars into setting up the infrastructure and hiring the required personnel. And considering that it takes several days to weeks for the staff to become accustomed to such a system, it can be hard to abandon the platform for a new one – unless there’s something radically different about it.

So when we discovered that our cloud-based management software was rapidly ousting its more expensive legacy counterparts, we were thrilled to realize that we were at the heart of a hospitality revolution.
However, the important question is this – is it a mistake to abandon a platform that you’ve already invested so much money into? Does the return on the new investment compensate for the money already spent?
Let’s take a look at what it is about Hotelogix that compels legacy system users to migrate to our platform.

Unparalleled connectivity and mobility

Being a cloud-based PMS, owners can access Hotelogix from anywhere with just a laptop or smartphone. Even in the absence of internet connectivity, employees can log into the system through the mobile app via 2G/3G/4G. Since legacy systems are installed on workstations within the premises, they can only be accessed on those devices. This inhibits owners from monitoring performance while traveling. Hotelogix provides hoteliers with comprehensive access to their frontdesk, points-of-sale, housekeeping, accounting and a number of other operations at anytime – regardless of their location.

Decreased capital and operational costs

Hotelogix’s PMS can be accessed on any computer, mobile or tablet device – it requires no pre-installation. Since the servers are hosted at our state-of-the-art units, consumers don’t need to incur any expenses associated with the infrastructure or its upkeep. In-premise systems demand high upfront investments and often require a specialized personnel just to monitor the hardware. This itself could cost a property $30,000 a year. Additionally, the servers also take up valuable real-estate that could be better utilized. Hotelogix also offers a mobile PMS that frees owners from their dependence on conventional workstations, allowing them to leverage their employees’ personal devices to manage the property remotely!

Real-time integration to third party tools

Thanks to the onset of cloud computing, even small and mid-sized property owners can now leverage modern technology to optimize all end-to-end management of their business. Processes such as accounting, distribution, review collection and so on can be automated via third party integrations to the PMS. With real-time integration, hotels can ensure that inventory is updated instantaneously – whether a booking is made via on online or offline channel. Legacy systems don’t support this real-time integration and complex software bridges need to be implemented to achieve a basic connection.

Software-enabled hotel management has become the norm today, and with good reason. Property management systems allow owners to optimize their resources in order to maximize efficiency, lower costs and improve the guest experience at the same time. While in-premise systems are costlier and less functional in today’s environment, adopting cloud technology is a win-win situation for hoteliers!