5 Ways a Hotel Can Save With Cloud Technology

Any good businessperson knows that overall savings will help propel the business forward. Whether you are in the beginning stages of building your hotel or just need a revitalized plan, you can benefit from finding the most efficient and effective way to manage your property. With the spread of technology, it is easier than ever for any property manager to cut back on the budget and raise profits as well as customer satisfaction. All it takes is a little inside advice and willingness to get with the times.

Cloud technology has allowed newer property management systems (PMS) to grow superior to legacy PMS. Not only are they more convenient and intuitive, they help slim the budget as well. Cloud PMS can help properties save based on:

  1. Server space. One major savings – of time, labor and money – that the cloud negates is the server. Cloud technology means that hoteliers can remove those pesky on-site servers and their cooling equipment, which will greatly decrease energy prices.
  2. Removing paper during check-in. Going paperless is green, but it also saves a great deal. When guests check in they can utilize the electronic signature capture which is stored on the cloud and emailed to the guest. This is convenient for the guest as well. They don’t have to worry about losing the print out while they are visiting.
  3. Housekeeping. Your property’s staff can access instant room updates to a mobile device so they know when to clean a room. They can get to a room immediately after the guest has checked out; ensuring that appliances are not left running and the room is opened up as soon as possible.
  4. Reports. Because tracking reports and comparing reports is much easier through the cloud, you will be able to easily spot areas of waste and areas that need to be scaled back.
  5. Automatic updates. Having the system update through the Internet means technicians do not have to visit every time the PMS has a new update. The system is easy to maintain and takes little time to train employees in.

Not only is “going green” good for the environment and demanded by many guests with a growing concern for the environment, it helps deliver cost savings as well and the cloud PMS will help your property go green. A property’s operational efficiency will definitely see a quick boost after switching to the cloud.